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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 03:19 PM) I prefer Jackson as well and would like to see what Saladino can do at SS. I'm not against the idea of Desmond at all but signing Desmond doesn't help the Sox OF situation so I'm kinda stuck in the middle. I know this won't be a popular idea but in an effort to keep the comp pick I'm not against rolling the dice by signing Jackson for CF, move Eaton to LF, Melky to RF, bench LaRoche and sign Alvarez to a one year contract to DH and hope he can build enough value to be worthy of a comp pick in the '17 draft. Jackson upgrades the defense and brings a bit of speed to the lineup while Alvarez provides some middle of the lineup LH power. Not the best solution but both players are affordable and do not cost a pick. Dude you gotta stop with the Alvarez thing. He is no better than LaRoche.
  2. QUOTE (Alexeihyeess @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 03:47 PM) A trade? Maybe a demotion or a release or something, but other than Robertson none of these guys are worth anything. Putnam and Petricka are definitely worth something. And Jones, too, obviously. Don't think it's a trade, but probably more likely they don't start the year with a traditional long man.
  3. I like it. Was hoping we'd get him back around $3M. This is even better.
  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 02:56 PM) You seem like a great guy and all but what a loser you are... Hardly calling him a loser.
  5. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 02:43 PM) i make plenty of post, that are more than one liner as you said. but i have said and in many posts, my english skill are very weak. so.... Understood. Again, wasn't trying to attack you. Just noting that this isn't just a one poster vendetta against you.
  6. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 02:36 PM) ahhh yet another attempt by you to make yourself look ummmm well you can fill in that for yourself. http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/d/danksjo02.shtml You seem like a great guy and all, but he's got a point. Most of your posts are nearly impossible to decipher, and the ones that are decipherable are usually little one liners or agreeing with someone. And I often wonder by reading your posts if you even watch any baseball or just post about it. Guessing we're not in the minority on the board either. Again, you seem like a great guy and all and I am sure we'd get along wonderfully over a beer watching a Sox game, but your posts often just muddy the water.
  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 01:42 PM) There's no vacuum. This is the going rate for free agents. Why is it shocking? Didn't we experience it firsthand last offseason? Look at those ridiculous pitching contracts. You don't develop your own players and have a borderline third quartile payroll and bottom quartile farm system, it's not the best situation to extricate yourself from...where most spending and trading becomes counterproductive but standing pat like a shark that stops swimming and floats to the bottom. Nor is it your best interest to overpay for mediocre ball players. Hence why I am not torn apart of the Sox miss out on Yo. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have him, but they can compete without him, and it will likely be a bad contract before long.
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 01:33 PM) $7-7.5 million per WAR is the going rate now for free agents. Last year, that would have been worth $40-45 million alone. If he averages a 3 war, that's what is considered fair value these days. Take a look at his previous three seasons. Unlike you, I don't view things in a vacuum to fit my narrative.
  9. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 01:28 PM) Oh it's disappointing for sure, but the White Sox don't give out large contracts. It's just not what they do. Incredibly disappointing, incredibly unsurprising What would be disappointing is Hahn throwing $150M at Cespedes for him to be a slightly better than average player.
  10. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 01:08 PM) Sale, Anderson, Fulmer, Adams for Harper. Who says no? Hahahahaha what? Did you even think about this? The Nats would probably take Sale for Harper alone. Dude is a FA in two years.
  11. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 10:23 AM) Could end up as a blessing in disguise. This. Cespedes will probably revert back to his 13-14 numbers next couple years. While that is still a good player and makes the Sox better, it is worth nowhere near ~$25M a year. I will be disappointed if he goes elsewhere, but would only be truly mad if it ends up being a 3-4 year deal under $22M AAV. 4 years and $90M would be my max.
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 10:10 AM) Morosi retweets just about anything Rosenthal tweets. Morosi is not good at his job. I think I could do better than he could do. I know baseball pretty damn well, but I don't get paid do it.
  13. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 08:55 AM) Agree. I want to move on so we can start talking about someone else. My preference if he signs somewhere else is Jackson and a right handed hitting bench bat (Pearce or Raburn) to platoon with LaRoche. Avi is a very logical platoon with LaRoche. If they sign another OF, I nearly guarantee you that Avi will DH against LHP and get an occasional start in the OF. Unless he is somehow traded.
  14. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 02:40 PM) Seriously, lol. It's weird. When I moved to Chicago and told people that I came from Ohio, like 1 in 10 would immediately say, "OH! Do you know ?!" "No. Why?" "Oh that's my cousin's wife and she's from Ohio." Ok so there are roughly ten million people spread out over like 40,000 miles in the state of Ohio. What are the chance I would randomly know one? The Cuban player thing isn't QUITE as bad because they actually played on the same team -- but what are the chances that they are BFFs to the point that one would leave money on the table to reunite? It's way more likely that they're completely indifferent toward each other. I agree with you, but I could see the appeal for any power hitter wanting to be in a lineup with Abreu. The fact that they're both from Cuba, and have played together in the past is just gravy.
  15. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 01:56 PM) Re: Bowden's report of Sox, Mets and Nats being the finalist. I think the Angels are the Sox biggest competition for Yo. We sure the Angels are willing to take the cap hit for Cespedes?
  16. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 01:12 PM) Interestingly enough -- the Rockies just DFA'd Kyle Parker, which could be signalling a move on their part. Perhaps we could be trading for a Rockies OF instead. I would prefer that to giving Cespedes a monster deal, assuming we don't trade Q, Rodon, Anderson, Fulmer and Trey to get it done. The first two being givens, in addition to other obvious guys on the 25 man.
  17. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:48 AM) Eh, just thinking of alternatives to Desmond and giving up the pick. I don't mind the idea of giving Desmond a shot but he's just not worth the pick in my eyes. Alvarez would cost nothing but money and can probably be had for a one year deal to build value for a weak FA class next year. Who knows, if he hit well enough he could be worth a comp pick next winter. Laroche will probably be immensely better than Pedro Alvarez next season. They're not going to sink more $ into that type of player right now.
  18. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:34 AM) I'm really starting to lean towards the idea of Jackson/Desmond or WTH ... Jackson,/Alvarez with LaRoche on the bench. C'mon, man. The White Sox are not signing Pedro Alvarez.
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 19, 2016 -> 02:18 PM) That Dan Hayes stuff yesterday was odd. And if people really thing the White Sox will sign Cespedes if they call 500 people and 450 say they will buy tickets if they do.... Care to share for those of us who don't monitor twitter daily?
  20. QUOTE (SoCalSox @ Jan 19, 2016 -> 01:09 PM) Makes you wonder what they are truly willing to do with Cespedes. 4 years seem logical. The four/$88M Jimmy has been throwing around seems like a good offer, even after the Upton news. I wouldn't want the Sox to go any longer or higher.
  21. I'm expecting Avi. Wouldn't be surprised to see them add another guy, but I'll stick w being pleasantly surprised if/when that happens.
  22. QUOTE (Lillian @ Jan 18, 2016 -> 04:39 PM) In this vein, it is interesting to note that Jackson's career numbers are not that far from Cespedes', in some respects: A. Jackson .273 .333 .399 .732 Y. Cespedes .271 .319 .483 .805 If you look at his 5 year career in Detroit and compare it to Cespedes career, without that strong finish last year in N.Y., his numbers are actually better. The question is; could Jackson's performance, after the trade to Seattle be an outlier? And, could Cespedes performance in N.Y. be one, as well? Haha, that's a stretch. Those are very different numbers.
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