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Everything posted by skooch

  1. My recollection is that he referred to the hitting background in CF at GRF as "shrubbery" when Robert deposited a pitch there during one of the intrasquad games. Though, I didn't actually see the entire game tonight, so maybe he did.
  2. I love how Jason refers to the ivy as "brush", though I think it would be really awesome if he'd call it what it really is, "the weeds".
  3. And the billionaire bashing commences in 3, 2, 1...
  4. Agreed. He needs to learn not to do that. All it takes is one ass like Machado to step on his hand and then you have problems.
  5. Holding a spot for Ross Detwiler or Ryan Cordell or Matt Skole in meaningless September games over a guy who has hit at every level of the minors? Yermin may turn out to be a big nothing burger, but I don't see what was gained by waiting until now to find out.
  6. I'm glad to see they're giving him reps and moving him around to see what he can and can't do. For the life of me, I'll never understand why they didn't do this at the end of last season.
  7. 15 teams play their spring training games in Florida. Where will they play? At least a few teams (chw/lad) share facilities. Do all of these facilities have lighting appropriate for playing nighttime professional baseball games? I think we are a long way from publicly-attended games of any kind. People *may* start to return to work and stores later this summer, but I think having events with 20-50k people is much further away than most think.
  8. If he can locate his offspeed stuff like this there will likely be a lot fewer 500' hrs off his fastball this year.
  9. That included the MM Friends and Family premium.
  10. The Athletic report debunks the Rockies portion of the rumor, why should I believe that the White Sox portion of the rumor has any credibility now?
  11. Next up is a home run derby to settle games that go more than 10 innings. Hey, it works for the NHL.
  12. Great listen. Going to be very easy to root for this guy.
  13. No worries. I didn't take it as an attack at me. I just thought it came across as kind of arrogant. It's all good. Thanks for addressing it.
  14. I didn't say he wasn't good, he's clearly good. He's just not elite according to the numbers. And by the way, you have quite the ego. Anyone who doesn't agree with you doesn't know baseball, huh?
  15. JOOC, how does one distinguish between "hangover effect" and "he's actually not that good" away from Coors?
  16. wRC+ 2019 2018 2017 2016 Avg Arenado Home 137 162 134 136 142.25 Away 118 104 126 116 116.00 Trout Home 188 185 192 177 185.50 Away 172 195 169 164 175.00 Betts Home 146 190 100 143 144.75 Away 123 181 113 129 136.50
  17. These are the kind of statements I always prepend with, "Someday, when I'm dictator ..."
  18. Also interesting are his 2019 wRC+ splits against RHP: Home: 123 Away: 77 If only we could find a way to sit the man on the road against RHP.
  19. Is this Lillian's swap meet? Where's Benetti when you need him?
  20. Better find out where all his relatives and inlaws live first
  21. I know it's still a few years away, but the price to extend Mr. Giolito just keeps on rising.
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