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Everything posted by Tnetennba

  1. It is hard to read much into how Grifol does things from watching spring games. I think I am most interested in seeing how the change in manager brings about change on the field. Are they more fundamentally sound? Do we see improved defense? Are they still a ground ball heavy team in a home run park? Etc. Time will tell if Grifol can get the most out of the talent on this team. Will it be enough to win the division? A playoff round? Who knows.
  2. Shots fired! Sorry @flavum, that wasn't directed at you.?
  3. I'll try to refrain from mentioning it every time I see his name, but when DV is personal, there is no 'just moving on' from it.
  4. Ugh, already sick of seeing that shitbag’s name every five days, and the season hasn’t even started yet.
  5. It never made sense unless Vaughn wasn’t 100%.
  6. Which I’m totally fine with. Rest up and be ready for opening day.
  7. I found him likable until Ricky started over using him. Then came TLR, then the awful deal, and it was hard to separate likeable dude from overpaid declining player being horribly misused and overused.
  8. If you were just canned on the eve of the season with 2 years left on your deal, would you want to stick around and head to Charlotte? I wouldn’t. No team will claim him, but I’ll be surprised if a team doesn’t offer a big league deal at the minimum.
  9. Sounds great in theory. Let’s hope they hold up.
  10. Objectively, this was the right move. Removing emotion, I do wish Leury the best. He was paid way more than his play was worth, but good for him honestly. Sucks that the deal probably kept them from making other moves. It was a waste of limited resources and ill conceived from the start, but it’s now history. The last remnants of TLR’s reign of terror feel washed away to me. It was time to move on and the org made the right move for a change.
  11. Who are the 4 bench players? We know who isn’t one! Oh happy day.
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