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Everything posted by Tnetennba

  1. What an odd sentiment. I’m as jaded about this stupid team as anyone but this is the absolute best thing the org can do for its future health and wellbeing. We can’t go back in time and fix what should have been done 35+ years ago. JR and the ISFA have had decades to turn New Comiskey into a fan destination, and all of the hand wringing about the past solves nothing. I also think it’s the a really good move for the city too. Chicago has never had a downtown baseball team and now has the perfect opportunity to create a new tourist draw while also adding a massive plot of land back into the tax base. It’s a win win IMO. Yes, the White Sox should have done things differently in the final years of Old Comiskey, and having a touch of sadness that the team is likely moving away from its home for 100 years is fair. And while I still believe 35th & Shields still could be a viable home with the proper investment around the park, the will just isn’t there to make it happen. Roosevelt & Clark is the best option for the health of this club moving forward. If it is done right, even the most fervent detractors will come around in time.
  2. Seriously though, what is there to even have doubt about? They’re gonna suck ass no matter how they want to dress it up.
  3. Roosevelt & Canal south to 14th PL is basically all shopping center parking lots just across the river. A creative solution could be found.
  4. Eh, I think the walk from the 35th Red Line to Gate 5 is shorter, probably Gate 3 too. But State to Clark isn't much farther a walk than from the Red Line or 35th Metra stop to GRF.
  5. West of Wells is the river. North of Roosevelt is unavailable. It's not as if there aren't parking garages nearby, and if this move happens, I'd imaging they would market to fans who insist on driving to the park. A lack of parking at the 78 will only be a roadblock for divers who make it one.
  6. I'm sure some fans simply can't conceive of not driving to the game and will have qualms. But to say it will be a vast majority is choosing to be ignorant. I too have watched the South Loop change since living there 20 years ago. Foot traffic has increased by volumes, when most days in the early 2000s it was a virtual ghost town outside of rush hour and entertainment options were scarce. I have no doubt that a new ballpark surrounded by entertainment and dining options will be a huge draw compared to the current location. Not only will fans adjust, but more tourists and casual fans will visit simply due to the proximity to downtown and ease of access.
  7. The red line is the Rock Island Metra tracks. They run adjacent to Clark before jutting west on the approach to LaSalle St station.
  8. I would call living in the neighborhood for 12 years a large enough sample size. I live here every single day, half a mile from the ballpark. How many games do you actually commute to? You're dead fucking wrong, have been repeatedly proven wrong, yet continue to dig a deeper hole. Good luck there champ, but with every single post you prove that you have less of a grasp of Chicago White Sox fan behavior than you've repeatedly stated in your many many inaccurate statements.
  9. One city block. 3 L lines stop at Roosevelt & State, there are multiple busses on Roosevelt, Clark, State, and Michigan that all stop near by. The 78 plans also call for a new Red Line stop to be constructed at the south end of the development near 15th & Clark, 3 blocks south of Roosevelt. Whether that actually happens is another story, but there already numerous transit options, with two major Metra hubs within a mile or so.
  10. Funny that if I’m headed back to my neighborhood from downtown in the late afternoon before a Sox game I go out of my way to avoid the Red Line because it’s always jammed with Sox fans, gasp, taking public transit to a Sox game. Funny how evidence works.
  11. I believe ISFA owns the lots. I see state troopers occasionally use Lot G during the offseason, but they mostly sit empty on non game days. I saw mention that the Fire could use GRF if and when the Sox vacate. If that happens, I'd image lots B and D remain and the rest are sold to developers. It is still a usable ballpark that seems to be in good shape, I can't imagine it would simply be razed if the Sox move.
  12. Correct, Sale sliced and diced the 1976's. But the 83's do need to be retired again IMO. They were fun for a while, but it's time for a new alt uni.
  13. I've seen those before and I quite like them! I like a few of the alt designs too. I actually love the 83 batter-man logo, I'm just tired of the uniforms. I'd love an update/redesign with the 83 logo worked in.
  14. Nope. That is a valid point. This is just the icing on the s%*# offseason though, so its hard to feel good or get excited by any of the moves so far.
  15. The current logo is nationally known, even outside baseball. It's such a classic that I have a hard time seeing a new ownership group rebranding and drastically changing it. Maybe a few new alternate uniforms, but I don't see that classic Sox going away.
  16. I guess I’m just not that familiar with Polanco despite him playing for Minnesota, because I hate it for my Mariners. Feels like a very KW-esque tunnel vision overpay to me. Hopefully the bat wins me over quickly because I see another gigantic hole in a bullpen that already needed addressing.
  17. Tailgating is fun and all, but how often are people actually doing it over a summer? Meanwhile those lots sit empty and locked 20 hours a day on most days. There is zero rational argument for keeping that much empty parking when almost anything else would be a better draw for fans and a much better use of real estate.
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