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Everything posted by Whisox05

  1. Exactly. Put your money where your mouth is
  2. They will be aggressive to get a seat at the table and then sit back while someone else signs the free agent
  3. But they cant spend too much future money cause they have to lock up current player at some point lol
  4. Hopefully should get some news this week. GM meetings today and QO have to be decided this week.
  5. Ya, barking up the wrong tree there budy saying I'm a casual fan.
  6. Not saying I believe that but you have more second place or lower finishes in that last 20yr
  7. Maybe Jerry just needs to sell the team so someone can come in and actually try to put a team on the field that's competitive and not trying to finish in second or lower
  8. Jerry's the one driving everything. Start with the top first
  9. Yes those teams had to build through the draft but the Sox had a plus having three very good talents on cheap contracts to trade to advance the rebuild with more talent. If the Sox had to depend on drafting talent and signing international talent to supplement the rebuild the sox probably wouldnt be able to do that. Drafting and developing players along with signing international talent has plagued this team for at least 20 yrs.
  10. Not sure how you are counting last year the build up when they where just in their second year of going through a tear down. Cubs, astros, and royals went through 3 really bad season before they started seeing the improvement to to start winning. Astros took took 5 season to finally get back to winning and another couple more till they won the world series. Cubs went through 4 seasons of losing before getting into the playoffs. Sox probably would be more ahead if some of the main pieces didn't get hit with injuries and delayed improvements. So if next yr they don't start seeing major improvements then you can start complaining about not see it built up enough. Sox actually improved 10 games from last yr with major holes in the rotation and lineup. Hopefully nothing but continued up from here.
  11. Sox have money to spend but the million dollar question is will Jerry actually spend on top or next down tier. Shopping so much in bargain bins will be tough to break. I would say one of wheeler or keuchel and more filler starters would work. Probably could still use a pen arm but moustakas, Calhoun and castellanos aren't going to break the bank.
  12. Swap out moustakas or Calhoun for castellanos and I'm game
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