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Everything posted by Whisox05

  1. Will be interesting to see now what happens to indians with their pitchers. Was talked about not trading anyone until one of the bigger free agent ones fall then waiting for everyone to come to them
  2. What we saw last year was the total bottom. Having an actual closer and more veteran pen help can be a big help to the team. Better pitchers then covey, Gonzalez, Santiago, shields and who ever else they through out there would improve. Eloy replacing delmonico/who ever rotated out should be a huge improvement. Depending on who they get to replace Engel and Garcia could be big improvements. Replacing Sanchez at 3rd could be a big improvement. All depends on who they get for the holes
  3. Yes the team currently can not compete right now but depending on how they fill those holes will tell which way they are going this offseason. But you can't sit around waiting for the prospect to get here. Sox can get those positions players here by signing them now depending on who they get
  4. Doesn't matter what I or anyone says, you just going to say it's going to take a miracle for them to win like getting hit by lightning lol
  5. How is sonny grey a player that is used for bypassing a year and not competitive? He didnt do well cause of NY. It's only a 1 yr deal and filling innings Hopefully at a better rate then shields did. Also Greinke is a dead weight contract that the diamond backs would probably love to unload. I wouldn't touch him but if you were willing to take onore of the contract that means less quality to them unless they are willing to eat more to get better quality in return
  6. I didn't say anything about trading guys but would not try to cause of depleting the system to that extent. Trading for maybe a sonny grey shouldnt cost that much since it seems the Yankees are trying to get rid of him. Also wouldn't trade for Greinke but he shouldnt cost that much if you are willing to take a good amount of his contract on.
  7. Which is why you sign a better starter to a multi year deal then signing 2 fillers.
  8. Again not saying they are guaranteed to make the playoffs but could depending on what they do. You appearntly can guarantee they can't
  9. Again 3 pitchers vs position player. Both rodon and fulmer were rushed cause of trying to compete and seen how that's affected them. So again you don't know what kinda setback like a injury can happen
  10. OK you see no possibility. I'm going to hold out hope
  11. Again how many have the sox been able to push through lately. They seem to be taking their time with prospects and not rushing them like they use to. Would be a big if Madrigal flyes through the system with out set backs or injuries.
  12. Nobody know what the sox are going to do. Just hope they can
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