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Everything posted by Whisox05

  1. Yes me being here since 2013 is being new. I know they usually write in green letters for sarcasm.
  2. I thought that if the letters were green was sarcasm
  3. Would you give up Cease plus for 2 yrs of paxton or wait till cease is up this next year
  4. Yet how many world championships do they have since Billy beane has been going this so called running the baseball team the correct way lol. Boston spent and won a world series. You can not totally win in baseball without spending some chunks of money
  5. So by your estimation, the sox should go only bargain bin diving and not spending on good players. Ok then lol
  6. How are they poor allocation of financial resources. Sox have a ton of money to spend and less on the books going into the future. Spending money on star players that come along few and far between that are also young is not poor allocation of financial resources. You lock up a roster spot for the foreseeable future. Who's the realistic options. Donaldson who's oft injured and older. Mccutchen or Adam Jones who are getting older and declining.
  7. Honest I would wait and see what he does this next season but if Goldsmchidt a free agent I would lean more towards him. Goldy just gets on base at a much higher clip the abreu.
  8. Seems like a a moot point to sign a guy then trade away player on roster when they are trying to add to it, not subtract part of the future. Machado would be signed to play 3rd which is where they have a hole at. To sign him and trade away anderson is just swapping players and not plugging holes.
  9. Hahn has already said they are going to get pitching. Need innings for starters and bullpen help.
  10. Looks like it was deleted but others are still running with it
  11. I think the sox might be going all in so they need someone more seasoned
  12. They have a 13ish million payroll right now before arbitration. They have alot of money to spend now and less on the records in the future.
  13. I don't think is a one or the other. Seems like they may be spending this year.
  14. Still but up a 2.9 war and did pretty good offensively. Would be major upgrade over Davidson
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