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Everything posted by TheFutureIsNear

  1. 3 year deal starting now. Figure out what 2 years of Arb is worth + fair amount in year 3. Guessing somewhere between 40-45M for 3 years? Again, I don’t think this will actually happen. Just could make sense for both sides.
  2. I could maybe see a 3 year deal happening. Crochet wanting to cash in now to guarantee his long term future incase of injury makes sense. He would still hit free agency before 30 with a 3 year deal. Who knows if the 2 sides could agree to a # that works for both tho. Most likely not given that Jerry won’t want to spend more than ever after a year of down attendance.
  3. I know nothing about the guy, but the resume seems good enough. Although “never being associated with the White Sox organization” is the clear #1 priority
  4. Eloy, TA, Moncada…remember when we thought we had the start of an amazing core? Crazy that isn’t possible all 3 of them won’t be able to find a job on a MLB roster next year.
  5. Yeah I’ll take an attempt at humor (could have been much better) over keeping the status quo as if something insanely bad isn’t happening Also nothing worse than seeing the few good moments of the season posted to social media. Really not necessary to post about an Andrew Benintendi HR while the team is in the midst of a 2-17 streak. Read the room
  6. Maybe this is ignorant, but is it normal to hire a guy named David to handle international scouting? I get that this is probably a desk job with scouts bringing him info, but I would still think someone more familiar with Latin American baseball would make sense. Then again I of course couldn’t name a single person with this position in other organizations so maybe it’s not abnormal
  7. Definitely C. Especially for Peavy, he clearly wasn’t going to come out and trash the organization unprovoked. Even in this he was still saying how much he liked the people in the organization despite them being bad at their jobs. And articles like the Athletic? If you give people a reason to dig they will find stuff. And quite frankly, no one should be quiet about the utter disaster this organization is. JR deserves to be embarrassed.
  8. I ALMOST feel bad for Pedro. Don’t get me wrong, he was obviously vastly under qualified for the job, but what an insanely bad situation to walk into. His agent for sure should have talked him out of this job. He’s going to have a stink on him forever. Which makes me extremely nervous for this off-season…who in their right mind wants to walk into a 4 year (that’s probably generous) rebuild? Any young/1st time coach would be crazy to take the job which means it’s almost definitely going to be a retread/place holder at manager.
  9. I’m just preparing myself for when Kopech is somehow a good starter for the Dodgers next year. Lopez Version 2.0
  10. Francona would be damn near 70 by the time the team even has a shot of competing. Doesn’t make sense for either side. Going to have to be someone that is in it for the long haul and prepared to build a new culture from scratch…which is going to be much easier said than done of course.
  11. Sad state of affairs when I check the box scores and see the Sox win and I’m disappointed. I don’t think it’s possible, but these jerks better not rob us of the record season. I want the embarrassment for everyone involved
  12. Rodney Linares is the guy they should go after. But he may have other options, which pretty much eliminates us
  13. They need to just give up on him his a starter. Stick him in the big league pen next year and see if he survives. If not just move on. He’s about to be 26, pretty much in “lost cause” territory.
  14. Curious to see if he can continue the high level D in CF with Robert out now. A .700 OPS (still a big IF he’s capable) and strong CF D is actually a pretty useful player
  15. The most sickening thing about this whole disaster is the fact that we are going to get the 10th pick in the draft after having to suffer through this nightmare MLB should be making rules that specifically hurt garbage owners like Jerry. Instead they made a rule that saves him $ on a draft pick and further punishes the fans. Hit Jerry where it hurts him the most, his wallet. Or force the clown to sell (I know that will never happen). Instead, they made a rule that will make it even harder for the team to pull out of this tail spin. And Jerry still won’t give a s%*#. Unbelievable. Forget there being a light at the end of the tunnel, there is no tunnel. This franchise is buried 6 feet under until Jerry is the same…and even then it will still be a long road back.
  16. Yeah I’d happily take Hahn back over Getz any day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he’s a good GM. There were for sure A LOT of bad moves, but there were some good ones as well. Going into 2020 this team was set up with a good amount of young talent that SHOULD have worked out. Organizational failure to develop players is probably the #1 issue for this team’s demise. Moncada, Robert, Vaughn, TA, Kopech, Cease, Lopez, Gio (probably missing some)…I don’t think anyone saw all of those players failing in some way or another. And I don’t know how that was the GM’s fault. But again, there were definitely bad moves and Hahn deserved to be fired…but he for sure had the team looking like it was going in a very good direction at 1 point. Given Getz’s track record of identifying talent (and his poor job of directing the minors) to acquire so far I have pretty much 0 faith in his ability to ever get us close to that point.
  17. Flexen quickly says hold my beer…I’ll show you how to lose games
  18. Why stop at franchise history? Worst in MLB history seems more than appropriate.
  19. Even just moving the team back to the 5th pick is a big punishment…all the way back to 10 is just crazy. I also think the MLB is greatly overestimating how much some of the terrible owners like Jerry care. This new rule is essentially trying to force owners to pay up and invest $ to get the team better. Jerry is going to give a big “No Thank You” back as an answer, he just doesn’t care if the team remains bad. And he’s not the only owner
  20. I still have no problem with the idea of a Burger trade, but obviously the execution of identifying the talent of Eder was awful. Burger is going to be exciting to watch and root for a 1/3 of the season and then be borderline unplayable for the other 2/3 of the season. He is what he is at this point, a DH only that will end up with an OPS around .800 that doesn’t really tell the whole story of his season. The biggest mistake was probably allowing a GM you know is going to be fired to make a trade at the deadline. That’s was the biggest flaw in the puzzle, not trading Burger in general
  21. Robert has been in the league for way too long to still have no idea what a good at bat is. Even in what was considered a good season for him last year he still had a .315 OBP. That’s not a good way to have sustainable success. My guess is that Robert is the type of guy that has gotten by on pure talent/being bigger, faster, stronger his entire life and now that he has to adjust, make changes, and even study it’s just not happening. Hopefully this is a wake up call for him, but I also think a mentor would sure help. Unfortunately I’m not sure that person exists within the Sox organization.
  22. With the Sox its most likely the answer is that it’s just both…but I do think there is a chicken or the egg question in terms of is talent acquisition or talent development being the bigger problem. There’s undoubtedly talent acquisition problems (especially at the mlb level), but when you get to something like the Chris Sale trade and we are getting nothing out of what were multiple consensus top prospects at the time, it does make you wonder. I guess what I’m getting at is that I don’t think a couple of new guys in the front office are going to change everything. You would almost have to just start the entire organization over from the minor league coaching up. But obviously new, outside, voices in the front office would be a great start.
  23. Let’s just break every record that involves losing at this point. Make it as embarrassing as possible for everyone involved
  24. Keith Law must have known this trade was coming, his hatred of White Sox prospects is prophetic now. Law didn’t have Bergolla as a top 20 prospect in the Phillies system. 5’9 165 with 0 power is definitely Getz’s type tho. But it’s Tanner Banks so any return is good enough, nothing to complain about.
  25. I’m all for trashing the Sox/Getz…but a DeJong trade isn’t a valid reason for it. Any warm body for DeJong is sufficient value
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