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Posts posted by TheFutureIsNear

  1. I don’t want Tony back, nor do I think he should…but the idea that the players are suddenly going to start playing worse just because Tony is sitting in the dugout is pretty silly. It’s not like Cairo’s in game decision making has been any better, or Tony took Menechino with him. The team has mostly been the same fueled by great pitching and 3 outlier games where they scored some runs. Not to mention 1/2 of this roster is playing for their jobs, they can’t afford to worry about who’s sitting in the dugout 

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    • TLR 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, DashFan said:

    It's because on our team there isn't much of a gap between the mediocre players and the 'stars' especially this season.

    I guess, and maybe I sound like a jerk, but a simple eye test shouldn’t be that difficult. At some point there was a fairly large % of the fan base (or at least this board) that were slotting the likes of Palka, Delmonico, Salindino, Mcann and others in the lineup long term. Just a bit weird to me. Maybe it’s just hopelessness for a sorry franchise that it seems like there’s no choice but to root for these guys that have a couple of decent months? 

  3. 22 hours ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    39 runs in the 7 games since Cairo took over. That’s good enough if Giolito and Kopech perform well down the stretch.

    Still confident in this offense?

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  4. 35 minutes ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    They need a healthy Kopech and a better performing Giolito. Two big ifs but if they get those I think they’re still the division favorite. Lynn has finally flipped the switch over his last 5 starts. Now they need the other two to do the same.

    Obviously pitching is always important, but this offense showing any kind of pulse is the most important aspect of a playoff birth. Not realistic to expect to keep going anything but .500 scoring 4 runs or less 

  5. 18 minutes ago, JoeC said:

    As someone who works a pretty stressful job that has nearly caused nervous breakdowns and physical ailments as a result of stress, being exposed to any part of it during my off hours is extremely stress-inducing and has strongly negatively impacted my health.

    I disagree vehemently with your statement.

    You have no idea what Tony’s problem is. The man is 77, you don’t think he could have a health problem that has nothing to do with stress? And how do you think you know more than his doctors? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Dick Allen said:

    And if his condition is so serious he had to leave immediately,  how is watching the games and in constant contact with Cairo better, and medically allowed. The fact that no one is talking, just a press release means either this situation is rather dire or there is some BS going on and they don't want to ho on the record with blatant lies.

    Exactly what kind of shape do you think a person needs to be in to watch a baseball game and talk on the phone? This is 1 of the worst takes I’ve ever seen

  7. Has Cuban even been in the mix since the Cubs? Doesn’t seem like he’s in the stuffy boys club enough for the rest of the MLB ownership. 

    I can see the Harris/Blitzer duo being the next owners if there is a sale. I believe they got close to a 2B offer for the Mets and already own the Sixers and Devils. Don’t know enough about hockey to know why the Devils suck, but they have been spending well above the luxury tax and seemingly going for a championship with the Sixers. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    It amazes me that no one from management is out there answering these questions, so the players get to. What a joke.


    That’s insane…what exactly does our front office do for this team?

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    I believe Tony deserves a soft landing. I hope he recovers and can live a long life. If this is a PR stunt to allow him a graceful exit, I'm pissed because I do have empathy for anyone suffering health issues bad enough that they end a career. 

    I am a little sad how pessimistic so many people are about their life span. My mother in law is 90 and lives a very active life. Folks over 70 have climbed Everest, sailed solo around the world, created masterpieces in all art forms. Your life doesn't have to crater in your 70s. 

    There’s exceptions to everything…doesn’t change the fact that the guy is literally at the average life expectancy of someone who lives in this country. Whether we like the job he’s done or not, being a manager of a professional sports team isn’t easy. Never mind the constant travel and non-stop schedule, but the stress involved (especially when underachieving) is real. We’ve all seen head coaches have to step away due to health concerns at MUCH younger ages. 

  10. Yeah I really don’t think conspiracy theories are needed when a soon to be 78 year old can’t travel and/or work almost every day. Seems pretty straight forward that it would negatively impact his health. The fact that he was doing it is weirded than not being able to do it in my opinion, 77 is really f’ing old and it’s not like he’s in tip top shape by any means 

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  11. He’s been mediocre to downright bad except this month of August really…which is being fueled by a .400+ BABIP. Not going to get carried away by a hot streak, we all should have learned that lesson by now. 

    Not sure if the glove justifies it, but I think if Gavin can stick as a lefty pinch hitter off the bench it would be a success. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, tray said:

    The TLR thing has been overplayed ad nauseum. but go aheqd.,. but it makes absolutely no difference now.

    Too many injuries and under performing players to compete.  As the team is currently assembled, they might be one of the worst teams- talent wise- in major league baseball. 




    Ridiculous. Literally not a single person on earth thought that going into this season. A coach 1000% can drag a team down. Don’t get me wrong, the players deserve blame too, but to say the White Sox even have bottom 10 talent is just factually wrong. The entire team suddenly not being able to hit HR’s can’t be a coincidence. The coaching absolutely fucked this team up

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