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Posts posted by TheFutureIsNear

  1. 5 minutes ago, chw42 said:

    We gotta use Lambert in the 8th cause the guy getting an $8.5 million paycheck sucks too badly to pitch with a lead. 

    Wait til he comes in for the 9th…is Hendricks available? Forget how many pitches he threw but there were some fairly high stress pitches 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Sleepy Harold said:

    Well last night was the first game he's played at 2B all year. He's gotten some positive reviews on his work at 3B though. 

    25 games at 2B last year too…curious if it’s a real possibility or just a way to get his bat in the lineup

  3. 15 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    I don't know.  If they shut him down in June of this year or whatever then he is back at square one.  At some point he needs to pitch and if he is not an option because of injuries so be it.

    He is looking more and more like a reliever especially if he has no second pitch especially if he can't pitch enough to develop it.

    The difference between he and Cease is innings pitched at the MLB level.

    He’s 26 and in his first 30 career starts has a 3.6 ERA and you’re writing him off as a career reliever? How?

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Harry Chappas said:

    Every bat on this roster is easily replaceable except maybe Robert 

    Not even close. Pollack sure, but Eloy (when healthy) and Vaughn we weren’t getting better bats. Harrison has actually been solid the past few months, you weren’t finding a LH 2B to replace him. So yeah, you could have improved the OF defense…but the team is already a bottom 10 offense, it would have been a net neutral most likely. 

    What realistic trade target would you have acquired that would have turned this team around?

  5. 18 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    Ok just to be clear you really don't care ever about making the playoffs , just let the team continue to be mediocre or bad season after season.

    The season was already lost. Trading prospects to try and save a sinking ship is dumb 

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  6. 53 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    How can you say it was a correct decision ? Which prospects do you expect to come up and actually be good for the Sox in the coming years ? And will those coming years with those prospects yield any playoff  baseball ? Too many here take a playoff appearance for granted like we have so many coming in the near future.

    If the Sox had got a couple of LH bats at the trade deadline this team might be in 1st place by a few games already with the starters and the BP doing a pretty good job. Then you have Colas who could've been brought up later  to give the team even more of a LH flavor.

    Good pitching with some hitting and defense goes a long way.

    To each their own, but it’s been painfully obvious to me all year that this team has shown 0 heart or fight to think they could even come close to competing for a championship. And whatever 2 mediocre left handed bats were available to the Sox weren’t going to change that….not even sure where you’re fitting 2 bats into the lineup and improving it anyway 

  7. At the VERY minimum Menechino should have been fired a long time ago. 
    Obviously LaRussa should have been fired too. The coaching/decision making is bad enough, but imo there’s too much smoke for there not to be some truth to the Sox having a bad clubhouse. It’s obvious that the demeanor of pretty much the entire team sucks. The apathy towards underachieving is hard to watch. 


    I have no problem with not trading whatever few prospects we have for help at the trade deadline tho. It was far too late to think that any minor improvement was really going to turn this team around. 1 of the very few correct decisions by Hahn 



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  8. As poorly as this organization is run I think people are a little naive with some of these comments. There’s no way the White Sox are run with a giant piggy bank with all of the $ coming out of the same place. There has to be separate budgets for separate things, that’s how any/every business is ran. The player payroll isn’t stopping this organization from hiring analytic people to sit in an office for 100K a year. 
    Now, why the budget for analytics is so low is a good question. Do Hahn/KW not value it and that’s why? Or is that all of the budget they are given? Something we’ll probably never know 

  9. 5 minutes ago, ChiSoxJon said:

    Lot of people on here eager to trade our most consistent bat

    Ya we definitely have a lot more a Grandal problem than a Vaughn problem. Don’t know how much $ and/or prospects we’d have to include to get out of the last year of his deal, but that route should be explored before trading Vaughn. I think a LF/DH platoon of Vaughn and Eloy is more than sufficient if they are both hitting. 

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