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Everything posted by TheTruth05

  1. Being as RR himself stated he didn't care to use analytics as much as they(FO) would like and the reported tension in that I don't see how Hahn letting him go to try to find someone more willing to use analytics in real time (in your words a "yes man") is him reaching for power.
  2. Honest question, where did Hahn throw RR under the bus? by rightfully firing him?
  3. Things change very fast in this league, there's no doubt he'd be able to find another GM spot in a few years especially if the Sox has some success which is pretty hard to imagine they don't at this point.
  4. Hahn has a job for life if he stays but I sincerely hope he goes into "idgaf" mode and starts wheeling and dealing to give this window a legit chance these next 2-3 years then leaves
  5. He nailed it, probably all BS but he nailed it
  6. I know he has a job for life if he wants it but this is a public kick in the nuts that has to at least make him consider getting the hell outta there
  7. Jose Canseco for hitting coach, that's all i know. Mark Mcgwire bench coach
  8. was thinking the same thing. just 6 months ago nobody would have thought this would be the better option.
  9. That cotillo tweet is meh. Just repeating what other people are whispering about
  10. FAs WILL come here regardless who is manager!
  11. tbf I don't think anybody reported the other candidates interviews from the day LaRussa also interviewed besides Jimmy
  12. 100% . painfully obvious for a while now, can think of a few suspects tbh
  13. yea thus the pain comment. there's just no way you can convince me this is the right move. JR should be opening his wallet no matter who the manager is, miss me with that "logic".
  14. All signs point to pain tomorrow. Please be Hinch
  15. Watch them hire LaRussa then go trade Vaughn and Kopech for DeGrom as they go all in ?
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