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He'll Grab Some Bench
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About GallonsOfSemien

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    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. Will Semien swallow up the competition at 2B? Or is the job Beckham's for at least a few more months?
  2. My research into the topic has yielded the same results
  3. Semien in the game. His defense has been viscous this ST.
  4. Hopefully we won't be Belli-SORRY-OH that we signed Bellisario! LOL!
  5. Quintana pitching like a guy who isn't very good. Which is odd because Quintana has pitched well in past seasons.
  6. Power comes from the thighs. Everyone knows this -- especially Cubs fans.
  7. Carlos Lee's thighs remind me of David Viciendo's thighs... Thick, muscular, good for hours of "laborous" endeavors...
  8. Where was Semien this game? He has been milky and smooth this Spring!
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