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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by BaconOnAStick

  1. The players on this team and those are responsible for them being on the Sox deserve no quarter. As far as I'm concerned they've earned whatever public humiliation they get. There's no salvaging this season anymore, anyone who thinks the playoffs are anything other than a very remote possibility is delusional. This group is mentally unfit for major league baseball and should be broken up.
  2. Thunderstorms in the forecast. God may be as sick of White Sox baseball as we are.
  3. He's mad. I'm mad. We have something in common, we are both mad. The difference between when I'm mad and when Jerry's mad is that Jerry's anger can lead to changes with the team. Here's hoping.
  4. Sanchez is garbage. Lawrie has much more potential.
  5. Lawrie strikes me as the rare Sox player who cares about the team's success and is thusly trying to hit 5 run HR's every time he comes up to bat and failing miserably. When they're good, he's good. When they're bad, he's bad. Still, I cant fault him. He has to be wondering why none of his teammates give a s*** or the manager sleeps during games.
  6. I still count Swihart as a prospect (and he's someone the Sox would no doubt get in a Sale trade). Sale is obviously a net positive for the Sox, but the extent of his contributions overhyped by metrics and fans who are wowed by him clowning players. If Sale leaves the Sox do gain something by getting rid of his tantrums on the mound, inane conspiracy theories and media rants. Now, getting rid of those things does not outweigh getting rid of a guy that more often than not dominates (except when the Sox really need him, then he usually looks kinda bad)...but it does make replacing him easier.
  7. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showforum=13 I dont know why you want to read it, but here you go.
  8. You want to talk about somebody who really should get fired, and what a lucrative firing it would be, its Chris Sale. The rest of the league still worships him but I've watched him all these years and while he's impressive you can tell he'll never win anything. His mental makeup is garbage, he freaks out when men get on base and the "anger pitches" is just unacceptable for a ML starter. When the Sox absolutely needed him to be the stopper he failed against Cleveland and now were in the death spiral. Maybe that's an indictment of coaches who never reeled him in after his bulls*** antics, think the Vmart meltdown, but it doesn't matter...its the player he is. You get rid of him and his s***ty attitude, replace him with the all of the Red Sox or Dodgers top prospects, and I think this team becomes better overnight.
  9. If you're looking for some dangling rope of positivity to grab onto in this sea of darkness I'll give you one: The last few the years the Sox have spent the first half of the season desperately chasing .500 from the other direction and falling on their ass once they got there. Maybe now that they are attacking .500 from this new winning record flank they will retreat forward back into a winning record as opposed to the usual collapse? Also James Shields gets his first Sox start against Max Scherzer and we are gonna get flattened.
  10. He's been hanging around more lately...all smiles with him and KW. You know how Jerry is, once you're in the #circle. Personally, I would've bought Rick Renteria a couple weeks ago, but now I want him gone too. Ozzie would at least add accountability. I'm OK w it.
  11. Being swept by Washington should be the last straw
  12. What's sad is if the score was reversed the Sox would still lose.
  13. I agree that the culture in the clubhouse sucks and makes it difficult for young players like Saladino to succeed. Still, the buck stops at his glove. Those were 2 very easy plays to make and he didn't make either of them.
  14. Blame the mental misget SS who booted two plays in one inning.
  15. I already made it. Nothing will change anybody's mind on Saladino now, he's been made by Sox fans and he'll get a free pass for at least a month or so no matter how bad he is. Another run! This inning would've ended with a MLB SS.
  16. They should be getting their king's ransom for Sale, Eaton and Quintana.
  17. Albers induced a GIDP and K'd Espinoza! I hate Albers and yearn for his release but I can't pin this one on him. Saladino has a Get Out of Jail Free card from Sox fans because homegrown position players out of this system are like unicorns and Sox fans are DESPERATE for him to succeed. Now the double clutch puts Revere on first. Get him out of there.
  18. Rollins makes that play and it's still a 1 run game. Sox won more games with Rollins as the primary SS than Saladino.
  19. The Sox have a serious lack of players who make the big plays that win games and a glut of guys who make big plays that lose games. Which category you think that Saladino error falls under? Baseball isn't random. Saladino felt the pressure to make that play and caved....another guy who doesn't trust himself to make plays. There's the runs! Game over, thanks Saladino!
  20. Quit making excuses for these bums. That was a big play to keep this game close and Saladino botched it now it's almost certain runs are gonna score. It's major league baseball, not "everyone makes mistakes it's OK."
  21. Now that Dusty can't give the Sox a free out I expect Espinoza to hit this thing a mile.
  22. Another s***ty AAAA player Sox fans have inexplicably given savior status to. Way to make the play there Tyler.
  23. Oh boy can't wait for this Albers meltdown....another s***ty player that has no place on an MLB team.
  24. This is stupid, is Rick Hahn watching the games? The Sox really think Jay Bruce is gonna turn this sinking ship around?
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