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he gone.

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Everything posted by he gone.

  1. The only other pick I was interested in that year was Kelenic and that was more so via the Wisconsin angle. I have a weird theory if you can be widely considered a top prospect by national scouts coming out of a cold spot like wisconsin, michigan, etc. that you're likely really, really talented. nothing to back this up. more of a hawkism in a way. FL, TX, Carolinas, etc seem to crank out ballplayers and to me, it's because they can play all year round. in the midwest you don't have that luxury. Had the same thoughts about Gavin Lux, though we'll see if he ever turns out. had a rough start to his career. India has been intersting ... he hadnt really done anything impressive up until this recent stretch.... now he's an OBP machine. For as much as the sox used to be awful at drafting they now really seem to hit at a nice clip. hope that continues as we have picks in the 20's rather than top 7 every year. will be important to add in young pieces that supplement as cheap bench options as our guys get older and more expensive.
  2. I think there's an okay chance that Heuer is the bigger piece 3 years from now that Madrigal, and that is coming from a big Madrigal guy. He's so controversial, but is he not just David Fletcher? Or Eckstein? I love those type of guys ... I really do. And i do think a guy like fletcher getting on base before Ohtani, Trout, Rendon, etc. is huge. Just like Madrigal getting on base before Eloy, Abreu, Robert, Vaughn is huge. But in the scheme of things if you said we traded David Fletcher for Kimbrel we'd be ecstatic. Or if the shoe was flipped and we traded Hendicks to the Angels for Fletcher we'd be less than thrilled. It is all relative and although I'll miss Madrigal .... this was a good trade. Both side feel like they won, both sides feel like they lost. Good trade.
  3. that would be my guess. Len/the radio guys are "allowed" to travel for road games while Jason and Stoney are not. So stupid - cutting costs under the guise of covid ... either way, likely the reason. That said, can we please get Hawk!!? Man, I'd love to hear him call Eloy's homers yesterday. Though - him calling from a studio may be awful ... the "wayyy back, he looks up you can put it on the .... wait .... yes .... no ..... board!!!! YES!! would be plentiful. he could barely tell in person anymore. Not sure he'd be very good calling a game from a TV. I'd have to think with all the switching in and out they've reached out on the idea.
  4. By the way, Cole went on the list August 2. I guess it depends on what they count as a day. Announced on the 2nd and they count the 2nd? He's eligible. Montgomery was announced the next day, so i think he's out regardless, but back for the weekend. Assuming all the other stuff - health, negative tests, etc.
  5. Would be awesome. I know we'll likely face him regardless - and actually since the sticky stuff he's been touched up a bit - but that said, I'd much rather have the Sox mashing Heaney on national TV. I wonder what the ratings will be ... I'd go as far as to say they might be higher than a ALCS or NLCS game. Hard to tell since I'm a Sox fan and super excited for this. Can't tell if anybody else cares in the slightest.
  6. i like vaughn, but there is a point to his load. hes young, hes good, doubtful it matters much, but not that big of a deal ... let him sit a few extra games. whatever.
  7. if you listened to everybody on the internet or TV you'd think there's only winners. i've been sitting on Coeur Mining going on 5? 6? years and still down. Can't wait to see the price this morning after Gold plummeted last night. Outside of that have been doing pretty well, but I'm not trying to find the "next" stock that often. I am happy putting my money into safe stocks like Amazon, Apple, Google and just letting it ride.
  8. have any analytic fans/reporters studied what is happening with ReyLo? He was awful in AAA. Like 9era i believe ... same role as he has now. he gets called up and POOF. did he make a slight adjustment? is this a good stretch? just wondering if the experts think this is sustainable ... Also, I'd trade him in the offseason while he has some control and "shine" of his prospect pedigree. If he keeps this up for the remainder of the year you might get some team to overpay thinking they can unlock something. package him with collins (who probably has all but lost his prospect shine) and see if you can get something decent back in return.
  9. i 95% send down collins. as you mention the lineup should be stacked ... sucks in the AL to have to treat your catcher as essentially the pitching spot, but it is what it is.
  10. wonder if this game will start on time ... lets get that sweep!
  11. it feels as bad as the numbers. he's not the answer at backup catcher ... i thought he was ... i was one of his bigger proponents saying "it's just backup C" .... at this point - we're not trying to develop prospects anymore. sucks to be a fringe guy, but we have to make decisions that put us in position to win each and every game. if we're talking backup catcher who's bad at calling and catching? we have Yermin. at least he brings something to the table with the stick. or the guy we traded for. but collins needs to go work on some stuff ... the experiment is over. hell, i think it's dumb we didn't sign wilson ramos. anything is better than what we have. We should be trying combinations of anyhting and everything at this point.
  12. I saw a post where Houndstooth Saloon hung up a Sox flag this weekend. not typically a sox bar ... (although I do have some fun stories involving Jake Peavy who was a regular there .... there were some wild nights, almost missed a meeting the next morning partying w Jake on some random Tuesday. Didn't leave the bar until like 4am, had to be in a suit by 9am. woof.) i digress. nothing special about the bar, but with a sox flag flying will probably have a good sox ratio.
  13. Going to take at least a few years. the real driver is going to be the pitching staff. They have that young guy braiyln edwards? I think that's his name ... he's supposed to be legit, but outside of that? Their rotation is going to be weak for a few years until they can buy one again. Bats wise? Again, it's not like before where they had the Eloy's and Javy's coming up. I think being the Cubs and ability to take on payroll/fill out Wrigley that you'll see a bunch of those Joc Pederson type signings ... 1-2 years deals they can flip. bounce back guys. they have a nice team up the middle with hoerner and madrigal ... you can usually add some really cheap power which should pair well with the aforementioned guys ... Overall though? 2022 aint happening. 2023 aint happening. 2024 will be the year some of the talent bubbles up and take some lumps. 2025 should be a year where they make a nice run at the playoffs. 2026 is probably a good guess. so many variables though
  14. I guess it depends where you want to watch ... I'd say Beverly if you're up for it - just pick a bar on Western. Cork and Kerry? Bridgeport obviously. On the Northside? Not as many that really "identify" as a Sox bar. I think Finley Dunne's is one of the few that does --- that's right off the Paulina stop in the Roscoe Village(ish) area. Sure anywhere in Wrigleyville would be enough fun. Kinda doubt there will be many "aggressive" Cubs fans this year.
  15. Aw man, was hoping he'd be back this weekend. Is what it is, guess we'll wait a few more games.
  16. if he could catch and hit the ball this wouldn't be a problem. jose abreu isnt* getting these threats! there's always scumbags in this world, usually comes from a place of their own insecurities. got to take the good with the bad and shake it off. probably easier said than done.
  17. also would probably want to do the number generator present at like a sox game this weekend in front of some people. do it at a tailgate or something.
  18. hahahah no im just the idea man. i don't wanna be responsible for buying $2500 of tickets and coordinating venmo lol. but seriously, if we did have upwards of 100 people express interest .... like true interest.. and coordinated the 100, $25 venmo's first? The risk is minimal minus that party taking off with the money. just use a random number selector website and assign a number to people as venmos are received in order. I'd probably want to have an admin do it, or someone who has met people on this website. i've never met any of you guys, so not sure im the guy for hte project.
  19. We should run our own SoxTalk raffle. Get a trusted admin to buy two tickets off StubHub and then sell $25 tickets to meet the price. Sell 100 "raffles". Better chances winning a SoxTalk raffle than the real one. 1/100 .... someone do this!
  20. I just said that in Hawks voice. Ah I miss him. There was something comforting about how he started each game the same. From the sit back relax strap it down, to the 330 down the left field line ... 335 down the right field line ...." or whatever the dimensions are.
  21. he gone.

    Student Loan Debt

    this. my parents technically qualified for food stamps for a lot of my time as a child. my dorm room was bigger than the room i shared w my brother for 18 years, no cable, never went to a sox game, never left IL or WI, never was on a plane, never had new clothes, only pass me downs ... never really had anything. But they did pay for my college and for that I'm thankful. You dont know any better as a kid anyways. the only thing i wish we did a bit more was travel. There's a way to do save, but it's tough, and they don't teach financial responsibility in school. people love spending ... love it. nobody has any fiscal responsibility. we're taught to be on a wheel of consumption. Even now, I can definitely afford a bigger house, nicer cars, etc. I choose not to. I'll buy used cars, fix them, and live in a tiny house. Life defined by material goods is a fruitless endeavor.
  22. he gone.

    Student Loan Debt

    Based on your screenname you may be in the same boat as me .... i married into law school debt ... and my wife did not come from any money ... so she took out a full loan for all of law school. needless to say we have a second mortgage for a vacation home called law school. we pay $15-20k a year and the balance 5-7 years from now will be higher than today it's a f****d up system. not to mention she doesn't practice law anymore. i hate that the government is so inefficient and so against meeting in the middle. they both dig in. The only thing I can hang my hat on is that as old people die off and get people under 40 into politics that this topic becomes more an more important and eventually has enough pressure to get done. Dont hold any hope that it happens in the next 8 years.
  23. why not just switch eloy and robert as DH for august and then come september they play everyday?
  24. he gone.

    Student Loan Debt

    This. It's the perfect meet in the middle. Instead of the trillion of debt being footed by the government, the number drops a ton. Borrowers should get to borrow at the Fed rate. If it's zero? then zero for student loans. If it's negative? negative. if it's 2%, 2%.
  25. 2 years ... meaning 2022 and 2023? If so, 2022 is a wash. He's not going to be pitching meaningful innings, if any, next year. So you get one year outta Glasnow and get to pay him twice. Not the Rays way ... they'll flip him like the Indians did with Clevinger. Hell, might make sense for the Sox to look into if we are comfortable sitting on a salary for a year. the prospect return should be less than normal in a situation like that. If we're giving up Cal Quantrill types I'd be down.
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