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Chris Sale

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Everything posted by Chris Sale

  1. Just need abreu to stick out the bat and pull it up right here
  2. Luis Robert is just a baseball savant. Guys like this are rare gems.
  3. That’s the Avi I remember lol. Great plays by Moncada and esp Madrigal there
  4. Go Sox! That’s not the kind of game we win over the last few years. Love to see it!
  5. It has not been a banner day for his plate discipline
  6. I feel kind of bad. I feel like I’m a level above “casual fan” but I’ve never heard of Matt Foster (until the season started). Is this guy for real? Did he pitch at all last year? Awesome two innings so far
  7. Fair enough. Imo umps are more likely to call it a strike when you jog off. Human nature power trip kind of thing
  8. Hopefully he learned a bit of a lesson. I bet if he doesn’t start off to first prematurely, the ump gives him the call
  9. It’s cah-moo bummer had an awesome inning
  10. For Soxtalk’s favorite player lol
  11. This felt nearly must-win. A win tomorrow would really take the bad taste out of our mouths from those first two series.
  12. Good hit by Moncada. Unlucky result. Lucky not to be a DP at least. Dumber approach by Abreu
  13. Tim has real issues with breaking pitches ugh
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