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Timmy U

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Everything posted by Timmy U

  1. Both Colas and Sosa are sitting cuz 1 rookie per game, it's the Grifol way.
  2. Lee is in the line up, batting 9th.
  3. I was Patrick Bailey-curious his draft year. What a weird ride it's been for him. Blocked and off to a rough start offensively, suddenly it's Bart who's blocked. Baseball, especially prospects, is so unpredictable.
  4. Look, as James would point out, it is way early, but I have not liked what I have seen. Great understanding of the strike zone. Not bad defensively, but he rarely hits the ball hard. The slow running is really only noticeable going down the line to first. There’s time, but just watching them play, I prefer Brooks Baldwin, last year’s 12th rounder. Not what you want from 1-15.
  5. I have not seen that. I think he is young, inexperienced calling games, the arm is just average (unlike Lee’s cannon), but he has a pretty quick release, I think he’s been decent at blocking balls and when they do get away, he’s been very quick to pounce on them. He made a great play to save a base in the game last night. Molina is his all-time favorite player, so he works hard on his D. I think he’s going to be above average. When you pair that with his really great baseball IQ, there’s no doubt in my mind that he stays back there.
  6. Lee is 25. His service clock is meaningless unless we think that someone’s breaking the bank for a 32 y.o. likely back up.
  7. From what I’ve seen, we’re all just waiting for Quero. I like Lee’s tools, Hackenberg’s D, and Michael Turner is shockingly underrated, but Quero has something special in his all-around game. He’s just really savvy. Does a lot to help a club win.
  8. But, keep in mind, he can hit .130 from BOTH sides.
  9. I would be shocked if Wolkow is not in instructs. I wish I could get video of those games. Gonna be the first stateside action for Nunez, Gil, Mogollon, and Flores too.
  10. Great. I hope Burrowes and Ronny Hernandez at least get their feet wet. I hate to be the guy super-down on Jacob Gonzalez, but I want to see what Burrowes can do in the same environment.
  11. They finished 3rd in their division behind a loaded Padres team (their other team was last, so they put all the good players on one team) and the Orioles. Way better than the ACL team, which finished in last.
  12. ACL also in the playoffs. Dodgers in that as well. Also, Brewers, Rockies, and one of the 2 Dbacks teams. The Dodgers have 3 more complex league playoff teams than the White Sox have. But, sure, make Getz the head guy.
  13. It is for the Sox. The league is in the eight-team playoffs. Here's a shocker: Both Dodgers DSL teams are in it, also Angels, Colorado, one of the two Astros, one of the two Phillies, one of the two SD, and one of the two Pirates.
  14. If Mike Shirley gets a vote, he'd go Preston Mattingly. Loves those Indiana preps.
  15. What Kopech said is the most positive evaluation of Getz I've seen. Grifol realizes if an outsider comes in, he's fired. So, naturally, he's going to say nice things. One of the reasons the Sox have been in disarray is the chaotic nature of Hahn/Haber never having played the game and maybe seeing everyone as pieces on a chess board and, therefore, being seen as weasels versus KW being a confrontational maniac. It's possible that Getz will strike a completely different tone that will allow a culture to develop naturally. My question is "Can he build the organizational machine that evaluates and develops talent which can then be integrated into your locker room?" It's one thing to make everyone feel good. It's another thing to get the right people in the right chairs assigned to the proper tasks that allows your group to outcompete others every day, so that incrementally you're always getting better. That's the head guy's job no matter if you run a bank, a TV show, or a sports team. It's not easy and it doesn't happen overnight. But the first piece is "What would a well-run machine even look like?" If he doesn't have an answer to that on Day 1, he's doomed.
  16. Yeah, so many reasons to interview outsiders. A) Maybe you learn something about best industry practices and how your team is perceived B) Fig leaf for the fans. "We talked to a million people. Turns out the best guy on the planet was right down the hall." C) The perception of fairness both in hiring the best candidate but also being a search of a lot of diverse candidates. I don't think mlb has the equivalent of the Rooney Rule, but in a sport that features a diverse collection of players from literally all over the world, its nice to think that hear from a pretty wide set of people.
  17. Are going to have to replace the “Fire Rick Hahn” thread with one titled “Die, Jerry, Die”? Seems like that’s the only way this team improves. Worked for the Orioles.
  18. That Nightengale interview is one of the most depressing things I've ever heard as a White Sox fan. I will say this, the press conference announcing Getz will be wild. He's gonna have a tough first day. No one in the media thinks this is a good idea. There will be zero honeymoon.
  19. Oh, I basically agree, but Dayton Moore is the worst.
  20. Hey, better than the other way around. There is a chance -- no matter how slim -- that Getz may be a decent GM. We already know Dayton Moore suuuuuuuucks.
  21. Luna walked 3 guys with 2 out then went to 3-2 on the 4th guy, but struck him out. Then he trashtalked coming off the mound and it almost started a brawl. Quero impressive across the board. Great composure at the end to help avert the brawl.
  22. My early reports watching him certainly are. Currently not better than Jordan Sprinkle.
  23. Nastrini looking good so far 4IP 2H (both incredibly cheap) 1bb 5K. Btw, Moises Castillo is not good at baseball. The fact that the Sox have had to find guys like this from other orgs to fill rosters is a huge indictment of the entire front office.
  24. I just noticed I haven’t comment on this thread. Yeah for sure. Fire him. Inspired by Jay Cuda, here’s a decision tree/bit of BASIC: If “works for White Sox,” then “Fire.”
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