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Timmy U

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Everything posted by Timmy U

  1. When Dan Symborski is scoring on you, you might just be... a moron.
  2. 6 Seamen hit in the series. For the safety of ather teams, the Sox should be contracted.
  3. Grifol has exactly 3 pitchers he trusts: Bummer, Santos, and Shaw.
  4. Man, this team sucks. Getz, Moore, LaRussa, and let's say Connie Mack have their work cut out for them.
  5. Journeyman former starter Luke Weaver, he of the 6.80 ERA just struck out the side. Players must just love coming to Chicago.
  6. Perez has like a 30 arm. Tough to see him really playing that much behind the plate.
  7. He's on the record as having a major perspiration issue. Sweats through his uni every inning. So, hydration ain't gonna be easy in this weather.
  8. With Kirby's stuff and the Sox line up, MLB.com ought to send out the perfect game warning after 1 inning.
  9. He also gave up an infield hit after a challenge by the Seamen.
  10. If they hire Dayton frickin Moore, as a protest, I’m switching my allegiance from the Sox to porn. 24/7.
  11. Is that just a gut feeling? Or do you have information, even informed speculation? Cuz I desperately need a reason to hope that Bob yanked this from where the nightingale sings.
  12. I would never openly wish JR would die, but Bob Nightengale is another matter. He couldn’t give us more than what, 12 hours of hope?
  13. And Dayton Moore is his… buddy who needs a place to crash? You know, just for the interim.
  14. This is like the end of "Succession" where Kendall tries to throw himself into the ocean, Roman goes back to partying, and the corrupt billionaire's empire ends up being controlled by Chris Getz.
  15. Behold, Soxtalk, the winning world that Getz has wrought!
  16. I was just being snarky. Getz has his chance to start running things his way and it's "Get rid of Remillard." I am so disspirited from the Getz/Dayton Moore news that I've become a Soxtalk nihilist. I actually feel worse than I did before KW and Hahn were canned.
  17. Well, now we know they’re trading Ramos, Cannon, and Mogollon for Salvation Perez.
  18. Ha ha. “I know what went wrong… not enough Royals.” If true, I’m out.
  19. Garfein and Guff buried KW in their podcast. They basically say that for the last 11 years there was not a clear chain of command in the building, culminating with the Burger trade.
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