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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. some clown called me out in another thread awhile back because i said jose didnt have a good batting eye/strike patience. its like have you ever actually watched abreu? as good as he is.. he could have been way better.
  2. for a smart hitter jose can be really fucking stupid sometimes. he had to hit that ball with a boat paddle.
  3. outfield kind of crowded already anyway. need 2b and a relief pitcher
  4. eloy to the fucking rescue... (hopefully)
  5. and to the wrong side of the field for that situation.
  6. i mean yeah it was a good play by the 3rd baseman.. but a grounder to 3rd isnt a good job of hitting.
  7. we know its a playoff team likely jason... but if these dudes are playing in the playoffs - collins, garcia, mendick, goodwin, ect then we aint got a chance
  8. the shitty position players we have been getting away with are slowly rounding out into reality.
  9. eloy been good so far but goodwin as a center fielder is coming to an end soon thank god.
  10. this team really hard to watch right now
  11. fucking dumb... who's decision was this? ridiculous
  12. when you are relying on the likes of brian goodwin and leury garcia thats what you are going to get more than not.
  13. goodwin had not grounded into a double play all year though... I get that the count was 3-2 and the runner goes sometimes - but when you are down to your last outs...
  14. yeah he has grounded into... ZERO double plays this year lol..
  15. then you are a dumb ass - if i said that in the right order. you never see that strategy in that situation.
  16. but no one said anything close to that though...
  17. you must have an amazing sense of humor because no one really said much interesting.
  18. yeah im not sure you are going to find worse batters many places... let alone a 1st place team.
  19. compared to everyone else on the team he is hank aaron.
  20. we need more threads on how great he is though and how we all need to write him thank you letters.
  21. lol.... hit and run in that situation. dumb ass
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