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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. listen the loss was certainly not ALL on Tony - it was as much on other failures. But leaving marshall in when you have a rested bullpen was a bad bad bad decision... he basically punted the game.
  2. well when eloy, Robert ect are back... Vaughn could very well be back in the minors.
  3. yeah throwing that subterfuge like anyone with a pulse doesn't recognize that tony left marshall in with a rested bull pen. Aint working lol...
  4. yeah a great game that we blow a chance with runners on and hit into a triple play... or when madrigal gets schooled when we could have had 2 on and no outs. It was not a great game - bullshit.
  5. that was not a good game at all... lol sorry.
  6. what the actual fuck are you talking about... awesome?
  7. yet another boggling decision from the Hall of Lame manager. Fucking clueless.
  8. TLR thought this game was expendable i guess
  9. bennetti makes me want to puke sometimes - this game has been horrible.. dumb mistakes.. dude made 2 errors on one play. And he is acting like it was well played.. lol
  10. learn to bunt vaughn if thats what you got - because thats fucking bullshit.
  11. He will be fine just as long as no one talks about it on twitter.. if Rocco sees anyone on twitter complaining about TLR's defense of old school rules... then yermin is clearly in trouble.
  12. wait what lol? The Twins are going to retaliate again? And because someone is still talking about it? Mostly people are talking about TLR and not the twins. And even then... what a silly conclusion. Your arguments are getting dumber and dumber as time goes on.
  13. war is a cool stat - but its subjective to a point.
  14. yeah i dont think there were any signs...
  15. mlb players are probably the fastest - but takes a couple seconds typically.... He never even looks towards the dugout the entire at bat besides once for like half a second. I'm not saying without a doubt there was no sign - im just saying from that video really don't see how it can be concluded that he ignored or missed a sign.
  16. lol what? out of the entire at bat he looks at the dugout for maybe 1 second... how can you conclude he ignored a sign? In the video you posted here he doesn't look long enough for any sign. I watched it 3 times - he is not looking for any signs no way...
  17. nah thats just one of his go-to moves - he pulls it out every now and then...
  18. lol... you are just getting more desperate with each post.. You were trying to make a point - now you are just being a troll.
  19. lol yeah... what a bunch of hypocritical drivel.
  20. sportsmanship is fine - this antiquated unwritten rules shit he still believes in is on its way out.
  21. okay were good.. no one is getting whipped.
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