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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. They should fire him tonight... something needs to be done to try to save this season. The iceberg hit like 2 hours ago... we're going down.
  2. but hey we gotta see if rodon was ready for pressure situation - so good trade off.
  3. You are making way to big a deal of this... ricky's trick would have worked on you it appears.
  4. They didn't hit conteras because of the bat flip - c'mon guys just think for a second lol That would make zero sense - hitting conteras was just a sad attemp to try to fire up the team... then ricky tried desperately to get thrown out.
  5. I tried not to watch tonight... i knew this match up was bad But like a fiery train wreck i could not avert my eyes.
  6. That was a sad attempt to inject life into the team... been around for since about 1900
  7. nice try ricky... but only justice would have been having you stand in the batter box and letting your team chuck balls at you - after your mega fuck ton idiotic decisions in Cleveland.
  8. Ricky would never do anything that dynamic... he is like rain-man have to do everything according to his master plan - underwear from k-mart
  9. yeah I said to my wife this morning that I was going to waste my time watching this game... last time we faced him darvish went through us like butter
  10. yeah i was being serious.. this game is probably over - this is when you risk the gas can.
  11. smoke contreras here.... start some shit try to inject some energy into this team.
  12. We were never winning this game... Cease against darvish. This hurts - but not suprising. Can't believe how much fun I was having watching baseball and now I just feel like punching people in the face.
  13. we had no chance after our two best pitchers lost in cleveland.. mostly aided by captain idiot renteria... I said yesterday I think we will win one more game.
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