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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. why do they want to swing so much.... most of them cant hit it that hard anyway?
  2. Hate the way we approach hitting.. its trash and we have lots of guys like that. If they don't learn.. will never be any good.
  3. lack of impulse control.. is how'd id define our young hitters. Swing at every fucking thing.
  4. is mlb's system that bad.. or is it just that the whitesox are that incompetent? That they keep brining up the same failboats over and over again?
  5. white sox organizational philosophy on hitting illustrated right there.... Pitcher threw one strike to 3 batters but struck them all out.
  6. Before the game the other day he wrong some small messages on the line - up card aimed to relax the guys... they went on to get shut out.
  7. swinging at the first pitch I actually don't mind.. its often a strike. Swinging at each and every pitch that's farted out towards home plate, regardless of location is another issue.
  8. none of these guys will ever be worth a shit until they stop swinging at every damn piece of junk that's thrown there way. It's amazing how our line-up is filled with such undisciplined hitters.
  9. Totally disagree... lol He threw him 4-5 pitches right down the middle and he couldn't put any of them in play.
  10. Does anyone actually believe that was a good at bat by McCann? He had 5 good pitches to hit.. and swung way to late to actually have any chance of putting them in play. Fucking terrible
  11. You mean how it helped Garcia get a 2nd strike and then he struck out? That's what the bunt produced.
  12. aggressive as in getting rid of 95% of the roster and 100% of the coaching staff?
  13. I think Reed was leading the MLB in margin of missing the ball on swings and misses.
  14. really put some juice in the offense!? Man what a downward spiraling dumpster fire. Yikes... I'm not sure I've seen a team look so different from one side of the all star break to the next. Some of these coaches need to go. Something needs a larger shake up than just the shuffling of shit back and forth from AAA
  15. cano was going to get that.. probably would have been safe at first.. maybe.
  16. true true.. the guy is approaching 30 years old - what am I thinking!
  17. what are you talking about bro.. Some catchers can hit some can't - McCann has never been much of a hitter. It is what it is.
  18. The truth is often painful. He had like a 610 career opps coming into this year.
  19. Seems like more missed ball/strike calls than I can ever remember this year.
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