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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. Runner was safe anyway... watched it 3 times. Anderson's only shot was to throw it to 3rd.
  2. I've thought this about 5-6 times this year
  3. boston announcers were talking about how moncada doesn't take called strikes 3's anymore.
  4. Anderson getting bent over a bit tonight... he did not swing at that first pitch. Umpires have been a pile of shit the last couple weeks.
  5. yonder needs to stop getting playing time... waste of time
  6. That makes no sense. jinx being real.. depends on who is saying it and who heard it. Plus my main point was the captain obvious shit is annoying more than the jinx aspect.
  7. You should go into the army with that line... Also obviously I cared so... there is at least one person. check the dugout during a no hitter. It's not real all the time, but its certainly a thing It's just bad form sorry...Bennetti needs to find something better to say then predicting the future incorrectly over and over again. Like it's just annoying when I hear him say "A home run here would tie the game" Every time he says that shit I know its not happening - it's like some kind of magic doofus spell he has. And its just stating obvious things that don't need to be said. .
  8. In the military the jinx is very real. I guess that's where I learned that voodoo.
  9. I've gotten used to Bennetti.. but he still annoys the shit out of me. He just can't stop trying to predict what is going to happen... getting it wrong and looking like a fucking jinx. He had about 3 jinx is 2 at bats there...
  10. That ball was not blistered. looked like a jam shot.
  11. Though I think Ricky sucks.. That may not totally be in his control.
  12. Getting tired of jose being worthless... if our best hitter isn't going to hit we really have a lot less chance of overcoming all the other shortcomings.
  13. Pinch hitting for yolmer would have been fine.
  14. getting tired of balls being called strikes. It's not all the umpires fault.. but shit is old. Feels like I've seen it so many times this season.
  15. Jose just looks clueless up there... he had a couple games here and there. But mostly he has been a big bag of nothing for a long time now.
  16. Pretty amazing that there isn't anyone anywhere that is a more capable starter that we can find then this washout. That's amazing to me.
  17. He ain't good.. but better then what we were using...
  18. That was one time I agreed with the bunt... can't rely on yolmer to drive the ball anywhere.
  19. He didn't deliver the entire month of May. Jose is a excellent hitter.. but he is put up as some kind of poster boy for consistency when he actually is pretty streaky. But I guess that's not uncommon for baseball.
  20. those last two at bats are just so infuriating... The dude can hardly throw a strike and just go up and swing at everything. Tim is having a good year - but he still has some of the worst at bats on the team. H
  21. man we need some MLB caliber outfielders.
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