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Everything posted by harkness99

  1. My only hope for lopez is to think back at how bad gio was last year. Lopez body language really bothers me.
  2. Yeah MLB umps might want the union to shut up... but.... I'm definitely for Weekends All Breaks at Work, including your Lunch Breaks Paid Vacation FMLA Sick Leave Social Security Minimum Wage Civil Rights Act/Title VII (Prohibits Employer Discrimination) 8-Hour Work Day Overtime Pay Child Labor Laws Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) 40 Hour Work Week Worker's Compensation (Worker's Comp) Unemployment Insurance Pensions Workplace Safety Standards and Regulations Employer Health Care Insurance Collective Bargaining Rights for Employees Wrongful Termination Laws Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Whistleblower Protection Laws Employee Polygraph Protect Act (Prohibits Employer from using a lie detector test on an employee) Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS) Compensation increases and Evaluations (Raises) Sexual Harassment Laws Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Holiday Pay Employer Dental, Life, and Vision Insurance Privacy Rights Pregnancy and Parental Leave Military Leave The Right to Strike Public Education for Children Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 (Requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work) Laws Ending Sweatshops in the United States
  3. Too bad I thought you seemed sexy.. was hoping to hook up!
  4. That was just such bad baseball by Tim... he could have easily gotten to 3rd on the triple. Thought he was being careful.. then he tries to seal third? C'mon bro that's fucking stupid.
  5. Gio has struggled tonight.. the ump being bad though doesn't change anything. I love when posters get frustrated at the game though and attack other posters...
  6. Ricky should have gotten thrown out on that sorry...
  7. this umpire started umping when he was 15? He should have fucking quite at 15 because he is a joke.
  8. not sure why they are even attempting to start this game.
  9. yeah I give this about a 80% chance of being postponed
  10. Only hope I can see is that the rain rolls through and maybe they can start the game about 800-900 central.
  11. Hometown announcers always be talking about how "these guys really like each other" winning record, losing record, a common go to. They do appear to like each other - however to me that has nothing to do with the manager.
  12. I hate the cubs so... Like Kaminsky said, and like Hawk said. Fuck Wrigley, and also cubs fan seem to forget their team was a joke for about 60 years. I guess if you were around the decade the beaches of Normandy wore stormed - they were competitive.
  13. Not sure what you mean by "keeps" this up. I don't conclude that managers "win" a lot of games, but Ricky does things quite often that in my estimation increase the chance of losing. This thread is based soley on the win loss record,,, most us know manager assessment isn't simply based on win loss record.
  14. Walking in a run there was pretty much symbolic of Banuelos stellar career.
  15. I'm remembering a lot of the silly comments about ELoy from earlier this year... I thought they were knee jerk at the time.. now they really look knee jerk.
  16. Yeah some more good managing.... though as inept as Rick is - this one wasn't his fault. Unless we suddenly start hitting and come up short.
  17. Jason loves to sigh at Stone's dad jokes.. but then rapid fires about 6 worse dad jokes in 5 minutes....
  18. Leury should smoke a joint or something before he bats.. calm the fuck down and take a pitch here and there.
  19. The swing at every pitch approach to hitting isn't a winning baseball formula. I worry that we have too many key players with that approach.
  20. Our offense lacks pop or momentum lately... if this is the weak performance they are going to give then this game is going to be lopsided.
  21. Looked up this dudes stat... yeah tank private first class all the way.
  22. We are so virgin like with the bases loaded..... just excited and jumpy.
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