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Bob Sacamano

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Bob Sacamano last won the day on December 1

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  1. The Red Sox look even more stupid here if they sign him at $600M+. They could have signed Betts and Bogaerts for almost that total and you still walk away with a generational type player + plus Xander.
  2. Why? I would think opposite. Go all in. Especially since you have Soto under contract for longer some of the guys you would have under control and move them to help now.
  3. Would anyone on base be excluded for use? I would assume so.
  4. From what I have read, he’s a terrible defender and passable in a corner. I think he’s an inflated Yankee prospect.
  5. Go to the Red Sox and dominate the O’s every time.
  6. Idk, after the past month and ineptitude, I feel like the NFL equivalent of the Sox is our own NFL team in town.
  7. I feel like those kind of overpay contracts are worse than the Star players getting overpaid.
  8. I don't think he really has a high enough ceiling. Would love to see him play 3B all next year to find out though.
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