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Everything posted by Tony

  1. We're aware of the new Ads, we're working on it.
  2. Obviously a few things would have to happen to make it come true, but I don't even know how bold it is. 1. The Sox wanted Joc, and have for quite some time. Some reports out there that they wanted him to do a strict platoon with Engel which is why he didn't take the Sox offer (which was better than the Cubs) 2. I really don't know if Eaton is going to work out, and they only made a 1 year commitment to him. 3. With Eloy out and Vaughn still a question mark (It's Opening Day, lol) both corner spots have openings. 4. Unless the Cubs surprise everyone.....they will be selling sooner than later.
  3. Joc Pederson will be on this team before July 1
  4. It's very possible. Every manager out thinks himself at some point. There is also the added element of we just don't know if Tony has lost anything off his fastball, and if he has...how much? Lastly, and of course the most important thing.....any manager is as good as his roster is. Over 162, I think they are probably in decent hands.....but again only time will tell.
  5. Honestly, I’m not totally sure. I’m taking a wait and see approach, I think it’s only fair. I want to see how TLR operates these first two weeks, I think we’ll get a good idea of what to expect by then.
  6. I don’t either....but I don’t know if not starting Vaughn sends the best message. I mean, who is the starting LF? Did anyone ask Tony that? Tony said when Eloy got hurt they were going get Vaughn as many reps as possible in LF to prepare for the season. Now he’s on the bench for Game 1? Honestly, I’ll give TLR the benefit of the doubt early...I don’t have reason to doubt him at this point. But that can change quickly.
  7. I went back and forth with you, giving examples of players from both the White Sox and Yankees on why your “logical premise” was insanely ignorant and WRONG. So you say you deal in only logic, but when someone calls you on, proves your point was based on complete idiocy, and you admit you were wrong...we’re all just supposed to be Ok we had to go through that exercise? No, it was a waste of time then, just like you’re a waste of time now. It’s same shit with you, over and over again. You beat your drum on how all you do is deal in “logic” but when someone calls you on it...we’re attacking your character and not your actual points. But history shows you’re just a liar and that’s not what happened at all. Don’t make me quote the posts to prove it. You’ll look like a bigger clown than you already are, which would be an impressive feet even for you. But you know what? You win. You pulled me once again. I know you aren’t worth the time, but my weakness is low hanging fruit and you provide it up on a platter. Sometimes I take the bait, and that’s my bad. I need to do a much better job of ignoring the trash.
  8. I'm thinking about 84-86 wins. If they stay remarkably healthy, maybe it's more....but I don't see that happening and I think Eloy is a tremendous void in the lineup.
  9. Now when you say "logic".....you mean saying the Yankees will be much better than the Sox because "they are the Yankees" I know you desperately want to bang the "logic" drum but it's hard to take that seriously when you read the content of your "arguments" You're so full of shit.
  10. That proves nothing and misses my point, but good try Eeyore.
  11. It's absurd because it's not real. That hasn't happened here. You can't cite a single of instance of anyone actually believing that. Someone complaining about you or other posters just beating the same dead horse over and over about the same points is quite different than people objecting to critical points around the team. For example, I have plenty of gripes about how this organization has performed over the last decade plus, and have posted them....multiple times. It's also not the only content I post. The majority of my posts are not responding to people saying "According to me, your logic is flawed and that makes you ignorant, here is why I'm right and the Sox aren't as good as you think they are." When that type of content seems like it's the majority of what comes from a certain poster.....that's where the objection comes in.
  12. So I think there is something interesting to this. There was an article a few months back about how we live in this generation of content being created just to create more content. Meaning.....they use one piece of content as a vehicle to push future content, and it's just an endless circle. The end of WandaVision basically set up "Secret Invasion" and the next Doctor Strange movie. I would assume F+WS does the same thing at some point. I get why they can be somewhat unfulfilling or seem sort of empty. Right now....I don't have an issue with it, I'm very entertained. But I would think at some point, I'll get tired of the circle.
  13. Have loved the first two, especially this latest episode. The CA series of films are my favorite so this is just a ton of fun to see a lot of the minor villains brought back and storylines expanded on...
  14. Lucroy should catch on with someone else, he seemed to do a solid job with the staff this spring, just not really a fit with Collins really coming on this spring.
  15. The team is obviously still a work in progress, but it seems clear Lauri is on his way out. AK seemingly knows what the team needs, just going to take some time to acquire the pieces and make this team his own. I'm pretty excited for the future right now, which seems so foreign.
  16. I don't know how old you are, but based on your last 20 posts....you sound like an 8 year old who didn't get his way. Yes, Eloy shouldn't have done what he did. Yes, he put this team is a precarious position. But shit happens. Corey Crawford broke his foot at a concert. Bill Gramatica tore his ACL celebrating. Kendry Morales broke his leg jumping on home plate after hitting a grand slam. None of them make what Eloy did right, but shit happens. And everyone is in agreement if the Sox don't make the playoffs this year, with or without Eloy, it would be a massive disappointment. So....what are we going to do about it right now? The season hasn't even started yet. The moral of the story?
  17. Life isn’t perfect. You give an example of Vaughn in the field with runners on base and his he misplays a ball in LF. Yes, that may very well happen. But I’d rather have Vaughn up at the plate with two runners on base than any other realistic option the Sox have for LF. The Sox best hitter just went down for 5-6 months. There are VERY few teams that are going to have a replacement for a player of that caliber that doesn’t have some warts on them. It’s not a perfect situation, but in my opinion this makes the most sense.
  18. That’s been my entire premise as well. I like that Pace went all in for his QB. That’s the type of GM I want. But....when you go all-in at the poker table and it doesn’t work out...you have to leave the table. The issue is George and Ted keep giving Ryan more chips to play with.
  19. If Vaughn is even below average in LF I don’t see how Eloy takes his spot back in 2022.
  20. Cp3 would be an incredible fit for this roster, but not sure the Suns have any interest in letting him walk. I believe he has a player option for next season...
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