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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Sorry, left for a while to get some work done. I agree, fathom. I would hope the weird start time, some bad luck, and just some bad command were responsible for today and it's a blip, not a sign of things to come. Overall he's been very good this season. But, to your second point....this team only goes if Gio is an ace. It's just the way things are built. He needs to be a true No. 1 for them to have any realistic shot at doing something this year and beyond. Today was NOT that.
  2. Without looking it up, it's got to be. We haven't seen him like this since he flipped the switch in 2019
  3. Settle down, snowflake. I know you're mad, everything is going to be OK.
  4. Of course it is, lol. But people will do it anyway, because they don't know what they are watching.
  5. The amount of bad takes you post is quite stunning.
  6. Yeah I'm not sure I can get behind all the Grandal shit I see in this thread.....Gio is all over the place right now.
  7. Dirt cheap is only valuable if you use those savings to improve other areas of your club. I'm not 100% convinced that would be the case here.
  8. Luckily this really has been a trend for Jose. At some point he's going to fall off a cliff, but I'm hopeful for May/June Career BA by month: April: .263 May: . 271 June: .292 July: .289 August: .335 September: .299
  9. With the score where it is, I'm fine with a "conservative" play there.
  10. That was an EXCELLENT play by Yoan, maybe bigger than his RBI.
  11. The struggles from Vaughn would be easy overlooked if the Sox main weapons were producing. Abreu-Anderson-Moncada have all been disappointing to start the season. If/when those guys heat up, the team is going to look a lot better, assuming the pitching is still clicking. Vaughn is an issue right now, no doubt. But they could survive it if the big guys in the lineup were producing at even average levels.
  12. Man they suck with RISP. Just brutal.
  13. It’s almost like he isn’t facing the hottest lineup in the league right now. Cease isn’t perfect today but give the Red Sox a LITTLE credit, Jesus.
  14. Man this lineup is deep for the Red Sox. Seems like everyone is hot right now.
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