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Everything posted by Tony

  1. So to be clear, Bauer being 30 is a concern for you, but you’re also concerned that if the Sox signed Bauer, they would be unable to re-sign a then 35 year old Lance Lynn?
  2. I was actually somewhat ok with that but I just felt like I’ve seen this movie before. It did nothing new and the performances weren’t anything special. It was just very “meh”
  3. Tony

    Joc to Cubs

    To be clear, it isn’t the only reason. You’ve proven time and time again to be an irritating, whining, miserable know it all and people are sick of your act. Believe me. We’ve gotten plenty of messages. So when you come over the top and “chime in” with your absolutes (even though they are simply your opinions) people absolutely have a reason to tell you to shut the fuck up, and it doesn’t have to relate at all to whatever dead horse you’re trying to beat this time...people just don’t want to hear from you. You should listen to Kyle, he’s a smart guy.
  4. It was very paint by numbers and just didn’t move the needle for me at all.
  5. Ethan Katz is set up to be the biggest failure in White Sox history. I honestly feel bad about the level of hype he has received from the fan base, there is next to no chance he lives up to the hype that has been created around the legend of Ethan Katz.
  6. I think that’s part of your problems, poppy. You aren’t going to agree with it or not going to understand it if you think it’s used for one thing...when it’s really used for another. Here is what my advice would be, and this isn’t just about WAR. Use as much information as possible, including your eyes. I’ve beaten this point into the ground and I will continue to: No front office just uses one stat to evaluate a player. Neither should you. We have SO much information available to us in 2021. Why would you use one stat to try and tell you about a player when you have hundreds to look at? I don’t look at just K/9 when looking at a relief pitcher. It’s one of the stats I like to look at, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. I love OBP, but I can’t just use OBP to evaluate a hitter. And why would I? I can look at so many other stats to help me paint a better picture of a player. WAR tries to evaluate overall performance and there is some value there for sure. But only using WAR would be a mistake. You should use it! Just don’t use it alone.
  7. You basically have to trade an entire franchise for Watson at this point...
  8. I feel like I’m walking the line with both sides right now. The Sox have a very solid roster right now. They should 100% be considered the favorite in the division as it currently stands. And it’s a foundation that should continue to get better. On the other hand, as others have mentioned (or beaten to death in many threads) this team still has a few rather large concerns that can be alleviated with money. Don’t need trades, don’t need to get super creative, just need to spend some more money to really give this team some much needed depth and truly make them a World Series favorite. The offseason also isn’t over. If this is it, if the ML roster is pretty much set on January 29th...I think fans have a right to be excited about the season but frustrated at the lack of aggression shown by a FO right on the cusp of greatness.
  9. I agree, especially if the story somehow leaked the Bears put together the best package but then backed out, but that specific story probably doesn’t leak. I agree with you that end of day they probably do the deal if they somehow could offer the best package, I guess my point was I wonder if it gives them pause up at Halas Hall thinking “Wait, we’ve given up this much capital to end up with Watson when we could have just drafted him 3rd overall a few years ago?” It just makes Pace look SO bad in my eyes.
  10. Sorry, not sure if this has been covered yet, if it has, my B. I was texting with a few buddies yesterday and I fully believe that is the Bears somehow had the assets to acquire Watson (I don't think they do), does Pace hesitate because of the optics of it? At the end the day, Bears fans will be happy getting Watson in the fold no doubt. But think about all the capital Pace would have spent on Mitch, Foles and now Watson all because he screwed up the draft so badly.......it's just a TERRIBLE look and I think it could give him pause, specifically for Watson.
  11. Yes, Barstool has been as successful as they’ve been because of all the racist behavior. That’s it
  12. This is such a played out, lazy, effortless position to take. Dave Portnoy didn’t sell around 40% of his company to Penn for over 400 million “off of sexist and racist banter.”
  13. We took a road trip up to Minny for that game...was just awesome walking out of Target Field...?
  14. I’ve always really, really liked ROTJ. For me, it’s Empire-ROTJ-ANH. I think the planet building is better is ROTJ. Fun stuff at Jabba’s, Dagobah, Endor, the Death Star. Never been a huge fan of Bespin in Empire, so I think ROTJ has the best locations.
  15. I would think there are about 4-5 franchises that wouldn't swap rosters with the Sox right now. I agree there are things to be frustrated about, but if you can't "be into it" with the Sox current roster........My advice is find a new hobby.
  16. He's basing his belief off of what usually happens in MLB The Show.
  17. I don’t think that takes the Angles out...I also think the Giants could be players for Bauer.
  18. 1 for 8 is less than many thought......they better not be done.
  19. Lol, unless the “prospect” Andrew Vaughn, I do that deal alllll day. Which means it’s not happening.
  20. If Lynn has a decent April/May, I’ll be somewhat surprised if he isn’t signed to an extension mid season.
  21. IF...the Sox feel like 2020 Burnes is the real Burnes...I’d be totally fine with Kopech and Kelly. I’m down on Kopech more than most just because I feel like there is a ton of risk involved with him at this point...but if Burnes is 2020 Burnes the Sox are an incredibly dangerous, and he’s part of the core for 3-4 years.
  22. I seriously don’t understand it. Who are these people? In what world is it OK to do that, or better yet...in what world has that EVER worked for a guy? “I know what I’ll do...I’ll just keep sending her texts, I know she isn’t responding, but I mean, she has to respond after text 45, right? 50? No? Alright, I’ll keep going..” This guy has a great job, would think he’s somewhat smart to be able to move up the ranks like he has.....how can you be this big of an idiot? It’s just shocking how you would throw your career away on being so horny you can’t stop texting someone that clearly isn’t interested.
  23. Yeah, that stuff can’t happen and if he’s hurting the club, get him out.
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