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Everything posted by Tony

  1. The funniest thing to me about it is in Rick's Twitter bio, he writes "Once went fishing with Nick Saban" IN HIS OWN BIO
  2. I would say "Bye-Bye" but we all know you'll be back.....
  3. Just to be clear here so I have this right... You’re not only saying you are making “logical arguments” but also calling me immature, while at the same time crediting the Padres for making trades in real life that you yourself would make in a video game. Is that right? And for the record, I’ll bring up your temper tantrum as much as I feel like. It’s a message board. You made the decision to tell the world you were done with the White Sox. Fine. But when you come back and want to use the word “we” like you are some loyal, die-hard fan, I’m 100% going to call you out on that. Deal with it.
  4. I can’t believe you told everyone. I thought we agreed this stayed between us?!?! Bastard
  5. Stop saying “we” Not only do you have 0.00% to do with the Chicago White Sox organization, but you “renounced” your fandom after the Sox failed to sign Machado. There is no “we” here. Go away
  6. Don’t disagree at all, and one of my biggest gripes. And I fall victim to it myself. Yes, there isn’t an endless treasure chest of funds available every year, but they’ve never spent like a major-market team. And holes can 100% be filled by simply using money. Now I can’t argue with how money has been allocated thus far for the 2021 roster, they really aren’t holding the bag on any bad deals which is somewhat rare for a team, but in theory that should be more reason for them to spend now.
  7. It’s a very fair question and I’m not saying the Sox shouldn’t move all their chips in at some point. I’ve said it before when it comes to the Bears, I actually respect Pace going all-in on Mitch, and saying “This is my guy, and I’m letting everyone know it.” Terrible execution and I believe he should be fired for that mistake, but I at least can respect the willingness to be aggressive. Now in terms of the Sox...1. As others have mentioned, I’ll be shocked if the Sox don’t figure out a way to lock up Gio. If they don’t, shame on them. 2. If they are “done” with moves this off-season and this is the 2021 squad, then once again, shame on them. I believe they need another SP, a CL and another bat somewhere. I will be disappointed if another SP and CL aren’t brought in. 3. Thinking bigger picture....when you go “all-in” that means you are no longer hedging your bet, you no longer have any “safety net” under you. For the Sox, those safety nets are Andrew Vaughn, Michael Kopech, Madrigal to some extent, and a few others. Given where the Sox are what we we believe they can be...I honestly don’t know what I want them to do. I could be convinced either way. I always stand by the principle that there isn’t an untouchable player in sports, so if Vaughn and Kopech get traded for an ace, so be it. Win and I’m happy. But I think with this core, and the somewhat unique situation Hahn has put them contractually with long-term deals....I also see the side of having those prospect “waves” make impacts with the team over the next 5-7 years. That was a long, rambling was of saying I really don’t know what the Sox should do, but going “all-in” when the window opens isn’t always the right call. The good news is we all get to find out together over the next 4-5 years
  8. This is not a post defending the Sox FO history because in many cases, there are things that simply can't be defended. With that said, the Sox have "won the offseason" numerous times during my fandom, and we all know the results. That's not to say what the Padres are doing is wrong or shouldn't be envied, but if the Padres clean out their system for Snell and Darvish with the Dodgers still being kings of the West and no signs of slowing down, their window could be much shorter than originally thought.
  9. I’m a giant Star Wars fan, but I haven’t seen all the animated stuff. Seen a bunch, but it’s sometimes hard for me make the jump to animated. There are a few lists out there about essential episodes to watch. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kotaku.com.au/2020/10/the-essential-clone-wars-episodes-every-star-wars-fan-should-watch/amp/
  10. I can't believe they did that, in all the best ways possible. Jaw was on the floor.
  11. And it's about context as well. This is different than signing George Springer to a 5 year deal. I'm not calling for that. But you had Alex Colome making 10 million last season. Yes, 14 million is a lot for a RP especially when they are 35, but again.....if all goes well with this core over the next 3 years.......paying him that extra year for what took place over years 21-22-23 should be more than worth it......but you have to be willing to roll the dice.
  12. I feel like you have to be either in or out at this point as a front office. Rick told us the window is now open on his last Zoom, and none of us even needed to be told that, we could see it with our own eyes. It's go time. Yes, the White Sox operate on a budget most of us don't always agree with. Yes, in 2024 a bunch of the Sox core will be expensive and should be right in the peak of their primes. Yes, Liam Hendricks will be 35 at that point and not a good bet to still be throwing at a high level. But the time to win is now. Right now, this season. And next season. And the season after that. I'm not going to say "Ah screw 4 years from now, you'll figure it out!" because that's not realistic and not how a business should be run. But we're talking about 12-14 million in 2024. If you're all in with this team, you really believe in this core and are confident with what you built...don't let the fear of an extra 14 million in 2024 slow this train down. I know there is a lot of uncertainly with COVID and fans in the future.....but if this all works the team is going to be surrounded by a tremendous amount of interest and added revenue that should more than cover Liam Hendricks in 2024.
  13. The difference is bmags can articulate his position in a way where when people are finished reading it, no one thinks “God what a colossal prick this guy is.”
  14. It's been a slow burn for Disney + no doubt but they've really seemed to focus on their infrastructure and planning the last year, and officially announced a ton of that planning today. 10+ Marvel Series, 10 Star Wars series plus a host of Disney and Disney animation content was announced today and is coming over the next "few" years as they put it. By the end of 2021, they are going to be a force, no pun intended.
  15. It absolutely was not the point of the rebuild, and if you think that....you've been wrong this entire time and that's on you...not this front office.
  16. Sox fans will NEVER change. 1. For all the reasons talked about ad nauseam already, the Sox were not going to be players for Springer or Bauer. Would it have been great? Sure, but so would have Harper, Cole, Machado, the list goes on. It's not how the Sox do business, never have. Deal with it or move on. 2. More importantly......The Sox don't need to make a splash. We've become so used to winning the offseason and being trash by July. The foundation is finally in place. The Sox are going to win the World Series with Giolito-Robert-Moncada-Eloy-Grandal-Timmy leading the way. This is the core. Right now they need to add depth to bring this thing to the finish line. Using a guy like Dane Dunning is how you do that.
  17. By many people's standards, the Cubs 2015-2020 run was incredibly successful. Go look around the rest of the league and season by season results. The Cubs making the Championship series 3 years in a row, with a WS Championship right in the middle of it isn't something that is very common. Yes, they should have won another one. Yes the window closed sooner than anyone on the North Side would have liked. Theo and Co. made some really bad moves. But when Rick made the trades of Sale/Eaton/Q, if you would have told me "What the Cubs did in 2015-2016-2017-2018 is EXACTLY what is going to happen to the White Sox, and their window will close after Year 6." I take that every time........
  18. The article is about the Phillies and the failed rebuild. The No. 1 reason Sam Miller gives in this article is "The Prospects they developed didn't develop all the way." Your point was, and has been for quite some time "The Sox shouldn't spend big on a free agent because it could really hurt the team, we have a great core already!" Specifically, you used the line "Guys like Bauer and Springer would be great if we can afford them...but if they fail...we are the Phillies." That's not what happened with the Phillies at all. In fact, as Sam Miller notes, their FA additions have worked out quite well all things considered. If you don't want the Sox to spend big in free agency, that's fine. But you're somehow using this article to try and back up the point you've been trying to make in other threads, and if anything this article speaks to the opposite. Signing big name free agents didn't take down the Phillies rebuild. And even if those FA's would have failed for the Phillies, it still wouldn't have been the thinking taking down the Phillies rebuild. It was the lack of their core developing the way they believed it would. That's the not the case on the South Side thus far.
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