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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Fastballs right down the cock to Correa seems like a bad idea, maybe it’s just me.0
  2. If they win tomorrow, I don't see how you can bring TLR back this season, right? (Removing the idea that he shouldn't be here in the first place, or that he should have been gone months ago, etc)
  3. I don’t know if this makes me a meatball or not but this is fucking embarrassing by the Twins and I absolutely think Baldelli is doing it to f*** with Cease.
  4. I haven't watched in a while now, but that seems very telling as a summation of the entire club. Andrew Vaughn is a good hitter. He's been a good hitter literally his entire baseball career, and that really hasn't changed now that he's in MLB. There doesn't seem to be any plan, any strategy, and certainly any urgency to put good AB's together, work up a pitch count, play the long game, etc. It's a bunch of individuals going up to the plate without a gameplan and hoping for the best.
  5. It's fine to be optimistic, but these guys haven't played a single snap in the regular season. No one has any idea who these guys will be, including the Bears. Let's slow it down a little bit before we start talking about an unknown GM "hitting it out of the park" with a bunch of unknown players.
  6. So what would you like the Sox to look like in 2023? What improvements need to be made, who's in the dugout, who's the GM?
  7. One of the many things I don’t understand about Jerry. I understand loyalty, but that’s Hahn spending like 30 million on a combined zero fWAR for the season, in the middle of the “window” How can you be ok spending those resources that resulted in…this.
  8. No, you wanted to bet that Tim Anderson would serve his suspension next season. I said I would take that bet. You lost. I don’t need to do double or nothing, I won.
  9. When are you going to pay up for your Anderson bet? You post 200 times a day, but I’ve called you out twice and never got a response. Tick-Tock….
  10. That premise is still flawed. They "intentionally" had multiple losing seasons (instead of their normal losing seasons) in order to "rebuild" and "build a contender" Thus far, the "rebuild" has produced two playoff appearances where the Sox were absolutely out-classed in both appearances. No playoff series victories. Going into this third year of "the window" just making the playoffs shouldn't be good enough. Of course it would be enough for this Front Office, but it shouldn't be nearly enough for us.
  11. If they lose tomorrow they'll actually be losers at 63-64
  12. First time since 1990 the Sox won't have a 20 HR hitter
  13. Yeah, the two of them are great, I've liked Gomez in it, and I liked where they took this second season. The neighbor Harold always cracks me up too, really like that actor.
  14. First two episodes of this new season I didn't like, but the rest of the season was really good.
  15. There honestly isn't the evidence to even back this claim up. The 2019 White Sox went 72-89 The 2020 White Sox went 35-25, managed by Rick Renteria, and lost in the first round of the playoffs in a COVID shortened season The 2021 White Sox went 93-69 but were 39-34 in the second half of that season, and got outclassed by Houston in the playoffs. The 2022 White Sox are 63-62 and played exactly .500 baseball in the first half of the season, going 46-46. They're 17-16 in the second half of this season thus far. Since the second half of 2021, the White Sox are 102-96. They've been a .500 team for 200 games. At what point do we stop looking at the first half of 2021 as the real White Sox, are realize this might be who they are?
  16. Oh come on, we were told by the pom pom squad Diekman was a great pickup, it was all this team needed down the stretch!
  17. I respect you're still doing this. I can't wrap my head around the idea of still being invested in this team on August 25th after everything we've witnessed the last year. Just can't do it.
  18. This also speaks to the absolute crap that this farm system has produced. I suppose good on Hahn for getting of those guys...but as others have said, this is a big time stretch to consider the moves Rick has made over the last year+ a "positive"
  19. It's not a great solution to the bigger problem. I don't disagree with a lot of what you said, but at the end of the day, there are multiple people I know, some in their 50's (!!) that are still paying off debt and this will make their lives significantly better.
  20. I think historically speaking, this is exactly what Sox fans have done. Someone posted that attendance chart a few days ago....by far the most games attended by 35,000+ was 2006, then 2007, then 2008...then it really started to fall off. Unfortunately we haven't had many good teams to support, certainly not teams with sustained success season after season, but the small data set we do have to go off of...Sox fans will come in droves if you put together a good team.
  21. Again, these are mostly veterans, not players in their first or second year. These results have gone on far too long, I just refuse to believe a collection of multi-millionaires that earn their living based on the statistics they produce would all just "go along" with this plan from Frank Menechino. Maybe he is the main problem, there has been enough crazy shit with this organization where it's hard to give any situation the benefit of the doubt...but I just can't wrap my head around a MLB hitting coach thinking this is the correct approach, and MLB veterans buying into a plan that clearly isn't working. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
  22. Grandal is down nearly .400 points in OPS compared to last year. He's 33, not 43. Vaughn seems to be once again hitting that late season wall like he did last year, I can somewhat forgive that given the positive season he's had overall. Yoan...I don't know what the fuck has happened there. Pollock is also down over .200 in OPS compared to last year, Robert same deal, Anderson is sitting at .734 and hasn't had an OPS not in the .800's since 2018. I don't get it. Something has happened. It can't just be the hitting coach, and it can't just be the "dead ball"
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