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Everything posted by SoCalSox

  1. Right but what if this is other teams leaking this info as misdirection? I think most of this board is far too worked up right now & thinking negatively. The Sox gain NOTHING from leaking a terrible offer like that. Absolutely nothing.
  2. No clue why so many people think this was directed at the Sox. What good does it do them to leak any of the BS that has been reported? Sometimes you just have to think logically. It wouldn't shock me at all if these reports are from a third party, or originally from Manny's camp & now Lozano is trying to save face because someone like Rick called him on it. By far the weirdest negotiations I've ever seen, though.
  3. Exactly. He's saying he thinks a decision will be made this week. He has had good info in the past, btw. I'd take this as a good thing for the Sox with Machado.
  4. Duarte playing both sides of the scoop & Heyman confirming bad (for us) Sox reports. This day has gone much different than I thought it would.
  5. Right but seeing as how things have really slowed down from last night & all of the media posturing, this one doesn't feel quite over yet. It feels close to over but I'd be pretty surprised if we see some conclusion today.
  6. Unless something drastically changes soon, this is not ending today.
  7. "Charles the cat" loves to post fake/vague info to get Cubs fans feeling better about themselves. Absolutely nothing to see there. If anything, he's tweeting stuff like that to take the spotlight away from the Sox, like he's been known to do in the past.
  8. All I know is this is reaching a level of stupidity I didn't think it could reach. It's evident what is going on but why this is continuing to drag out & now be front and center within the media, is beyond me. All Bob & Bruce are doing is pissing fans off with false info controlled by the Sox. I tend to believe Passan & Gomez much more in this situation.
  9. I think they view it as bad because teams are seeing that the Sox are already at 8 years. That would give a team like the Phillies, etc that ability to say "Ok, we need to top that offer". That's my guess, at least. One thing we do know, though. Hahn doesn't like info like that getting out. They want to be the ones to control the message. In this case with this high profile of a player, that simply isn't realistic, IMO. I'll say this, though. This feels like it's coming to an end. Both sides are negotiating through the media and now the Phillies are putting stuff out about turning their attention to Harper.
  10. I actually think this is pretty simple. The two reports from Passan & the other guy with years & numbers are from Machado's side to boost offers, hence the "mystery team". Nightengale's info is from the Sox, trying to keep the price down. All in all, it's a battle between the two sides, while the Phillies have put out that they are more interested in Harper. Seems to me like Machado's side is realizing that their suitors are small and they are trying to push the teams involved to the middle of the table to get something done soon.
  11. Everything I've seen is about offers, years, etc. I've even seen Nightengale say the Sox are viewed as the favorites. Nothing from Passan saying they aren't though.
  12. Multiple National guys picking this up right now. Absolutely not a coincidence.
  13. What did he say? Ive been out most of the day. I feel like I missed something.
  14. Idk. I've been at this point for about a week or so, where I'm fully comfortable where the Sox are with Machado. This is also coming from the same person who didn't believe heading into the off-season that they had a chance at either. The thing here is simple- Neither player has a big market. On top of that, no team is offering crazy money. I'd be very surprised & massively disappointed if the Sox don't end up with Machado & personally, I think we'll see a resolution this coming week.
  15. I'm going to have to ask you to not bring up the Bears... I'm just starting to get over this. The name Parkey just pisses me off again.
  16. Translation- The White Sox have won the Machado sweepstakes & the Phillies are doing everything in their power not to miss out on both players.
  17. Must have missed that yesterday then. I do think that Machado will sign somewhere next week. I think Harper will follow in the week or two after.
  18. Rabbit has never actually put a timeline on it. Like you said, he said things usually happen on Wednesday but at no point did he ever say "the White Sox will sign Manny Machado on Wednesday."
  19. At least on the football side of things, that not how any of this works. There is either progress or no news. Especially if a team is as deep as the Sox, it doesn’t just magically become bad news the next day. Maybe the Phillies upped an offer but at this point, that’s all part of the negotiations. The Sox will have to counter.
  20. Bingo. These two have established track records. No offense to NotHahn but I’m not going to allow something he has heard to cause some heartache
  21. I think you just kinda answered that yourself... we’ve had loads & loads of positive info on here but one vague thing and all is lost, lol.
  22. Nah because I truly believe Machado will sign well before Harper. I'd guess Machado signs next week & Harper will follow a week or two after.
  23. The vibe I've been given is that Nightengale is a mouthpiece for the Sox & Levine doesn't usually know much. I'm sure anything Bob puts out is whatever the Sox want him to. Levine is simply piggybacking info off of anything he sees.
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