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Blackout Friday

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Everything posted by Blackout Friday

  1. Giolito basically walked some guy off the street who runs really fast.
  2. A four pitch leadoff walk to Billy Hamilton should be an automatic fine in kangaroo court.
  3. Yeah, on the one hand I’m optimistic. On the other hand, Paulo Orlando and Ryan Goins are OPSing around .900 too. Not sure what to believe.
  4. one thing worth remembering about Anthopolous is he has historically not shied away from trading pitching prospects to fill a team need. He isn’t shy trading prospects in general, but particularly true with pitchers
  5. This is questionable. Juan Pierre had 20 power, didn’t have an 80 hit tool, and managed to make a nice career. There’s other variables that come into play.
  6. I think yesterday was the initial target for Burger’s return, so hopefully we see him soon. I totally forgot about Puckett until just seeing him mentioned.
  7. I’m curious what prime Thornton’s spin rate was on his 4 seamer.
  8. Ned and Ricky have naked pictures of each other.
  9. On the bright side, the guy behind home plate wearing the BIG DADDY #69 blackhawks jersey can make us all feel better about our life decisions.
  10. Am I missing something about people yelling “wooo!” all the time in the background? It’s crazy annoying and it’s seemingly everywhere.
  11. We don’t see about 80% of what a manager does, so who the hell really knows.
  12. When he said they would come down to earth, I don’t think one inning will change his opinion. Nor should it.
  13. Is Vaughn really that safe though? If he doesn’t rake, he’s essentially useless. I’d actually consider him a riskier pick.
  14. Eloy looked to be grimacing rounding the bases. Seems ok though.
  15. Shields had a good move.
  16. 2 k’s in the first for Lambert, but also 2 hits. Story of his season. Good strikeouts, too many baserunners.
  17. I’m guessing the grade hadn’t been updated and was based on what he had done up to and including 2015. Even then, doesn’t reflect well on them.
  18. I swear I had a Steve Stone moment with that one.
  19. He didn’t miss because he’s too far off the plate. Come on. He missed because he got fooled and didn’t stay closed. And sure they change. Anderson made adjustments. So did Moncada. Other guys have too, but they just aren’t that good so it doesn’t really matter. You can’t tweak your stance and become more talented.
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