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Everything posted by ChiSoxFanMike

  1. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 4, 2016 -> 10:23 AM) Careful, your bias is showing. Yes. One of the greatest games and moments and series' in the history of sports. That is not going too far. I don't understand it. A lot of teams have had championship droughts for long periods of time (albeit not as long as the Cubs), so I'm not really sure why this is any greater than the Red Sox winning in '04 or the Sox in '05. The typical baseball fan that isn't a part of the Cubs bandwagon most likely doesn't see this World Series differently than any other IMO.
  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 4, 2016 -> 10:19 AM) I think all you guys b****ing are just ridiculous. We witnessed one of the greatest moments in the history of sports in that game 7, and all you care about is annoying Cubs fans on the train. It's been 2 days. They're allowed to be obnoxious. Are you guys really that sensitive that it bothers you? Man up. One of the greatest moments in the history of sports? Lol ok. It was one of the greatest moments ever for Cubs fans, but everyone else doesn't really give a crap.
  3. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Nov 4, 2016 -> 06:45 AM) Whether your a Cubs fan or not, we all just witnessed something that none of our father's fathers (fathers and maybe another fathers depending on how young you are) witnessed. That in itself is pretty cool. No it isn't.
  4. Dude was the epitome of a AAAA pitcher, no big loss here.
  5. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Nov 2, 2016 -> 11:00 PM) Except Cubs haven't burned through their bullpen like the Indians. Their bullpen blows. I'd take Salazar over any of their remaining options.
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Nov 2, 2016 -> 10:56 PM) This is bad for the Indians. Shaw's gonna have to sit. So is the wife beater...
  7. I can't believe this is happening. This is my absolute worst nightmare.
  8. QUOTE (flavum @ Nov 2, 2016 -> 12:25 PM) That's kinda why this World Series hasn't been that great, even though they are going to a Game 7. When a team doesn't really have a shot to come back, it makes it for pretty straightforward win or lose type games. I hope that continues with the Indians taking an early 4-0 lead, and they just win it. True. I think whoever scores first will win. The bullpens are too stacked on both sides for a ridiculous comeback, but it would be awesome if the Indians could have a walk-off.
  9. I wonder what would happen if the Indians hit a walkoff grand slam down 3 in the bottom of the 9th against Chapman. That would be insanely awesome.
  10. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 2, 2016 -> 07:12 AM) I know. I'm a Cubs fan. I'm a Heat fan (or was) and now I'm a Cavs fan. Yeah. Whatever. At 33, I don't let emotions enter the picture when it comes to sports. I did that in my teens and twenties. The Cubs are the best team in baseball by a mile and 108 years is enough. They're gonna win it. Ok? What's your point? Nothing you said changes the fact that you're trolling Sox fans on their forum...
  11. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 2, 2016 -> 07:04 AM) Ask Steph, Klay and Draymond about those stats. Anyway, game 5? Check. Game 6? Check. The Cubs, when right, are one of the better teams of the last 40 years. I don't want it to happen. But they will get it done. And I predict meltdowns of GOAT proportions by what's left of White Sox nation. Why exactly are you on this forum? It's pretty evident that you're a Cubs fan. You can root for whoever you want, but I'm not sure why trolling Sox fans on their forum is a fun thing to do.
  12. I just don't get what all the commotion is about. If the team's performance on the field was better, no one would care about the name or the logo. Improving the team from a personnel standpoint is way more important than bickering in circles about this IMO.
  13. The name/logo are stupid, but you guys are making it seem like they relocated the franchise. Chill.
  14. I ended up getting a PS4. Are there any games you guys recommend besides The Show and Madden? I typically like sports games, but am open to anything. Is there a good auto racing game? I'd like to play with my dad.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 30, 2016 -> 11:24 AM) But that one 3 run hr Avi game was great I was at that game. It was like 20 degrees that day but still awesome. Sale got the win too.
  16. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 29, 2016 -> 10:38 PM) It pains me to say this but it must be said now. The Cubs are going to take the next three and win it all. This series wreaks of the nba finals. Cubs ain't losin' three at wrigley. Just ain't happening. It's goin' back to Cleveland where they will unleash the loch ness monster that is Schwarber and ride their superior pitching matchups to the title. don't want it to happen. but its gonna. Jesus f***ing Christ. You're unbearable.
  17. Why are people paying hundreds of dollars to get into a bar? Wouldn't it be much better to throw a party at home with family and friends?
  18. QUOTE (whitesoxjr27 @ Oct 28, 2016 -> 11:30 AM) I was thinking this morning that this whole WS thing might be a good thing. Expose the fan base for the tards that they are. They've been exposed a LONG time ago. The World Series doesn't change anything.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 27, 2016 -> 11:03 PM) WISHLIST that puts us in postseason with a good manager like Renteria Cespedes (pay him whatever he wants, how bout 24 million per year for 3 years total of 72 mill) Get rid of Lawrie and play Saladino. acquire a GOOD catcher and GOOD reliever: in blockbuster trade; make it happen Mr. Hahn and we are a contender. Give up minor league talent for a good catcher and good reliever. A good catcher and a good reliever would make the Sox an 82 win team instead of 78. Rebuild. Rebuild. Rebuild. The Sox don't have enough assets to consistently make the playoffs on a yearly basis as of this moment.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 27, 2016 -> 12:23 PM) In all reality if the Cubs win, the talk will turn to their dynasty. If they lose it will be all about how they are going to win next year. It isn't going to go away. The Cubs fans are like an STD. This is a spot on comparison.
  21. It fascinates me that the Cubs can spend $184 million on a bum like Heyward and not miss a beat while the Sox only owe Shields approximately 1/7th of that and are struggling big time with payroll.
  22. This goes into the "least surprising news of the day" file. The only thing that we can hope for is that some time off rejuvenated his arm a bit, but he'll most likely still be a bum either way.
  23. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Oct 27, 2016 -> 11:33 AM) I don't think Sox have the prospects to get Pollock unless they wanted Rodon honestly. I think they do. A package of Collins, Fulmer, Burdi, and Hansen could get Pollock, but it'd make no sense for the Sox to do that.
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