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Everything posted by ChiSoxFanMike

  1. QUOTE (flavum @ May 3, 2015 -> 05:10 PM) At the time Ventura was hired, Parent was way more qualified than Robin. Now? Clean house, please. All of them. It seemed like everyone loved Cooper, but I was never particularly fond of him. I would give him the boot too, even though he's been here the longest.
  2. QUOTE (TitoMB @ May 3, 2015 -> 04:49 PM) #FireRobin is my new favorite twitter tag. I think I just went through and retweeted like, 30 tweets with it. Let's get it trending! I've started to use that hashtag too haha.
  3. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ May 3, 2015 -> 05:01 PM) The problem is we would be stuck with Cooper or Parent probably. I doubt we hire someone during the season Either one of them would be better than Robin IMO.
  4. I bet Ventura gets canned sometime this week.
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:59 PM) Disagree, as it's not like Sox fans comes out especially for him as it is now. If they can get 3-4 major pieces for the future, I think fans would understand. Who would the Sox demand from Boston for Sale? Betts, Swihart, Owens, Moncada?
  6. QUOTE (fathom @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:56 PM) Question starts to become if there's any reason to think they can compete next year. If not, then see ya Sale. I'd be very sad if they traded Sale. He's my favorite player currently on the team.
  7. I'm not spending another dime on tickets until Robin's ass is gone.
  8. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:38 PM) if 7 more guys will lean over the plate and get hit, we might just have a chance We are well on our way now lmao.
  9. Bacon will hit a grand slam here. I can feel it.
  10. This teams has the fundamentals of a little league team. You can blame that partly on the players, but the coaching staff is god damn atrocious too.
  11. Does anyone else notice that Dick Allen has gone silent? I think he finally realizes that no BS excuses can be made for this sorry team. I'm all for supporting Ventura or anyone else, but enough is enough already.
  12. Fire Ventura. Release Danks. Blow up the team. Do anything.
  13. QUOTE (Jake @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:14 PM) I wonder if Abreu is among the guys who have been sick They said that he was.
  14. We better hope that the Twins score 10+ off of Danks so the Sox have no choice but to move him.
  15. Danks should have been out the door 3 years ago if this organization had a clue. Just eat the money for gods sake.
  16. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:06 PM) Wipe out this entire coaching staff. f*** it. This team is a disaster. I'm so damn tired of the Sox loyalty towards everyone in the organization. They should gut the entire team including the coaches except for Sale, Abreu, Rodon, and Avi.
  17. QUOTE (Butter Parque @ May 3, 2015 -> 02:04 PM) Season? Try evening. LOL. I was trying to give Robin the benefit of the doubt.
  18. If Ventura doesn't get fired after this season, something is seriously wrong.
  19. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ May 3, 2015 -> 01:58 PM) Lol. Haven't watched a game in over week. Decided to watch some today. You haven't missed anything. You should be grateful that you didn't waste your time watching this sh!tshow.
  20. QUOTE (Butter Parque @ May 3, 2015 -> 01:47 PM) I'm already figuring Abreu for 30 HR's and LaRoche for 25. Where else in this lineup could do you see 12+ HR's? Maybe Avi, Melky, or Flowers. No one else will even come close.
  21. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 3, 2015 -> 01:42 PM) All you do is whine and complain. Why watch the game? I watch the game because I am a die-hard Sox fan. However, I'm a realist, and I'm not afraid to say that the Sox are awful. You can throw out excuses for anything, but that doesn't change how bad their performance has been. The Sox should be better than they're showing, and it's pathetic to see how slow they've started out the season.
  22. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 3, 2015 -> 01:37 PM) Yeah, only 140 games left after today. It is over. You give the same shtick of excuses every single day. Say what you want, but this team is horrible in just about every way. Nothing else has to be said.
  23. QUOTE (Butter Parque @ May 3, 2015 -> 01:32 PM) This is sorta getting funny. Is it wrong to root for rock bottom if you believe it could achieve a greater good for the franchise? I wouldn't mind tanking to get a high pick at this point. It's obvious that they won't be contenders this year.
  24. Well, we are off to another good start. Yay.
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