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Everything posted by asindc

  1. TB just swept Cleveland on a combined no-hitter. Sox up 8 in Central.
  2. Yep. One of the not-hidden-at-all secrets to Buehrle‘s success.
  3. With regard to bullpen management, Renteria benefited from Colome’s high-wire act as much as anything.
  4. Subtracting the runs given away this series (5 last night, 1 tonight) Toronto earned just 3 runs, one in each game, this series. Excellent pitching against a dangerous lineup. Good bounce back tonight from last night. The team has been consistently professional this season. Don’t stop now, boys!
  5. If I’m KC I’m hanging up on you for wasting my time.
  6. I agree. Let’s see what we are working with before cashing in significant assets.
  7. Rodon of 2018 most likely does not get out of the 4th. This was a very strong battling performance. Reminds me of vintage Jack McDowell, who would give up 8-9 hits but none when it mattered.
  8. They should stop asking, then. Nope.
  9. In talking about LaRussa, the article mentions how he has established a strong clubhouse. It’s interesting to me because that was one of the concerns raised before the season started, and I haven’t heard any mention of it until now. He obviously has some on the field issues to address, but it seems that the atmosphere in the clubhouse is an asset and LaRussa is part of the reason why.
  10. Good teams find a way to win games like this. Loved Yermin’s 2-strike hitting on that slider through the shadows. Loved Hamilton’s gap-to-gap break and speed. Loved Lynn’s bulldog mentality with almost nothing left in the tank. Loved Tim’s steadiness as the undisputed leader of the IF. Loved Hendricks’ guttiness and guile. Loved TLR’s bullpen management for this entire series. This team plays with a mission and a plan. And they play real baseball. Go Go Sox!
  11. There is nothing more instant about an automated strike call compared to its human-called counterpart.
  12. I’d happily give up replay for an automated strike zone. The latter has a far greater impact on the game.
  13. Well, if I am telling you anything, it is that Jose is unlikely to play worse in 2021 than he did in 2019.
  14. You forgot to mention a player.
  15. I wouldn’t want to give up any prospects to get Benintendi, so I prefer Eaton on that basis alone.
  16. I agree. This is the kind of analysis statistical projection models cannot possibly account for. It is the kind of dynamic assessment that one can only get from actually watching players play. And no, this is not meant to bash PECOTA or any other stat-based projection.
  17. The same can be said about literally everyone else who has won this award.
  18. A very young and promising team just simply was not quite ready for the bigger stage. Great building season and very valuable experience gained with this late season and playoff run. Lots to build on.
  19. Glad to hear this. I like Jason and Steve.
  20. It is only unfair if the pitch is actually out of the strike zone. If it is in the strike zone, call it a strike or change the zone.
  21. Are you suggesting that the strike zone is unfair when a pitcher is able to nick the bottom of it? Either it is meant to be a strike or it’s not. If not, then the strike zone needs to be changed to reflect that. Either way, call a strike a strike.
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