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reiks12 last won the day on October 20 2023

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  1. Fletcher was a Tony LaRussa move, theres your answer
  2. I have no faith in this crop. Besides Schultz, there isn't a player in the minors where I can say "wow, hes going to be an impact player". The talent is there since scouts are rating them high, but looking at results and remembering how this organization is ran, I am not optimistic.
  3. Ill go on record to say i feel luke warm with the return, hoping we get 2 solid mlb pieces in the coming years with this but im skeptical
  4. How does Thorpe stink? Before he got hurt he was highly effective. He was pitching with a hurt arm in his last 2 starts
  5. Yeah im cautiously optimistic. This organization just tells their prospects to 'go get em'.
  6. I really hope Burger can stay healthy next year, I think he is going to make a huge impact. Good trade from the Rangers.
  7. So from what im gathering, Nevin is anti analytics? Considering the push for more analytics why is he even being considered then? Doesnt make any sense
  8. Brooks Boyer actually responds personally, i had a back and forth with him over emaill about the TLR hire years back
  9. if my team gave up top prospects for Robert id riot
  10. we have no analytics team so until Jerry dies and a new owner hires an actual president of baseball ops this franchise will be a joke
  11. LaRussa is our President of Baseball Operations already
  12. hes probably breathing a sigh of relief that he wasnt put on the MLB team
  13. He wont sell, he needs to croak to get an ownership change. Sadly I have a bottle of champagne ready for the occasion.
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