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Everything posted by reiks12

  1. It was obvious on how they used Rodon last year that they never intended to offer a QO. He didnt pitch for 2 years and there was no limit. Just let him gas himself out and then let him walk. I am interested to see what the Giants do this season but in his first 4 starts hes averaging ~10 less pitches a game compared to 2021.
  2. It applied to Rodon until he carried this club last season with Cy Young stuff. The QO was a no brainer. When Eloy throws up front running MVP numbers until mid August then the comparison would be more fair. Until then, not even close.
  3. you are right, hes been hurt since July. I am so happy we stuck with healthier arms in Keuchel, Velasquez, and Cueto (-1 WAR, 22 million) rather than offer $16 million for a TOR who gets hurt sometimes. If and when his arm gets tired, do you think its going to be before or after he throws up 6 WAR on the season?
  4. yes, lets... le..letts see if he can do it in September!
  5. i was only able to make it to two games last season (im out of state) and both games were Keuchel disasters. I also saw Kimbrels first game with us in which he blew chunks
  6. i think offense is down all across the board this year by a large margin
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