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Posts posted by ronkark

  1. So Shields and Cooper fixed something right? 22 runs in 8 2/3.




    1- Lawrie. Made tough play but bad throw, runner reaches. Not an error but not picking up defense.

    2 - Anderson drops a pop fly. Yes not an error but you gonna tell me Saladino doesn't catch that? He does/

    3- Melky drops ball in left. Tough play but didn't pick up pitcher.

    4 - Ball goes under the ridiculously over-rated Frazier's glove. How is that not an error? Right under his glove. Todd Frazier is hitting .200. TWO HUNDRED people. AND HE DOES NOTHING OTHER THAN HOMER OR STRIKEOUT. HE DOES NOT GET BASE HITS. Insanely bad trade. Insane.

    5 - That horrible Shuch bobble then horrible Anderson relay. I've seen enough of Tim. And still waiting for that first walk, Timmy. I promise you he'll be under .250 with no walks by July. I promise.

  2. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 08:34 PM)
    I love how the Frazier trade haters have been silent on Trayce Thompson's hard crash back to Earth


    Even in a crash back to earth he hit .243 in that stretch and drew 11 walks, hit five home runs and stole 4 bases.


    2-1 Tribe and this ball game is OVAH!!!

  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 07:29 PM)
    Awful....what a terrible stretch for him. Amazing how established veterans come here and forget how to hit


    He forgot how to hit the 2nd half of last year in Cincinnati. And we thought it a good time to give up 3 prospects to get his declining arse over here.

  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 07:26 PM)
    Cabrera 4/9 lifetime against Shaw. Frazier 0/3.


    Pitch around.


    Frazier beyond due...stating the obvious, especially with RISP. 0 for his last 14. Cookie over the middle of the plate, 9 times out of 10 he rips a double or homer there.


    Nine times out ten? Look at his average. 2 times out of 10. ANother K. 0-15 RISP. Awful. Dunn/LaRoche/Frazier. When will we learn.

  5. Stellar offensive effort so far.


    Abreu: Can we please stop with the "he is so close to breaking out." How long we going with that narrative. He isn't.


    Frazier: .202. Two ticks from mendoza. And if you look at defensive stats, he's cost us something like 6 runs with his over-rated play at 3b. I'd rather have Trayce with a future than Frazier on the decline. Easy to say the Sox curse again with the lowe average acquisition but the guy hit about this level the second half last year so we just bought him too late. Same with Shields apparently.


    Lawrie after a good start .232 and insane amount of K's to go with declining walk rate.


    Team needs 3-4 bats. 2-3 relievers.


    And if someone can play D that'd be great. Ajax also scores below average on D statistically. Couple that with 0 power. The fact he's a loss at all says everything about this team.



  6. and that abreu blunder is again a reminder for all of you that is a BELOW average defender and decision maker. belongs at DH.


    RF - plus d with eaton. minus minus with avi.

    C - Par with Ajax. Eaton

    LF - below ave with melky.

    3B - par for frazier if i;m feeling kind

    SS - jury out on anderson. Saw bobble and bad angle in two games though.

    2b - lawrie par or slightly above.

    1b - Jose - below ave.

    C - below ave.

  7. AVI - No more. Please get rid of him. He has cost 4-5 runs in defense alone the last two games. Routine flys dropping. And Phenomenal Source said it best on twitter tonight that he actually seems to get slower that possible when he slides. The stolen base out? He may have stuck in mud before reaching base. He is a atrocious.


    Miguel - Was awful and the walks are crushing. No more can be said. We have no better option.


    Melky - two games and made the exact same brutal misplay twice in a row. How? do we learn nothing from our mistakes? worst corner D in baseball all over again.


    Frazier. no he didn't play but i love how surprise he is by his .206 average. know who isn't? me. sluggers come her to die. power is good. rest of it is not.


    eaton - i got no beef with that 2nd bunt. good effort.


    ynoa. got some funky stuff. balls bottom of zone called balls because his crazy arm angle. but thy were strikes. gotta be tough to hit.


    BENETTI - game context my friend. there is nothing diff in his inflection in a 7-6 game as there is 10-0. i'm getting a little tired of him.


    of maybe it's just the losing.

  8. Great fight to overcome an awful game. Let's see if it sticks.


    Todd Frazier. Many of you want to give him a free pass because HR and RBI numbers are strong. And I do not dispute that. but .206 people. .206. Power hitters get slack down to maybe .235/.240. Maybe a tiny bit lower if they get on via walk regularly. He does not. He has left gobs on base. And the defense everyone loves. Average. I bet he's league average at best. Missed tag tonight won't be an error. But it's one of many blunders.


    Avi: Big hit yes. But I absolutely hate this guy. THREE defensive misplays in first TWO innings. The bobble. Then gives up ball that hit railing. Then gives up on the foul ball the next inning. That's two more outs Shields had to get. Help your pitcher out. I can't wait till he's gone.


    Coats: Sorry but he looks completely over matched. Swinging at multiple head high pitches is AAAA all over it. I wanted him to be good to replace Avi and do think - if you are gonna play him - he needs to be in field.


    Melky: Hard to complain as he's been steady but this is another instance, like Avila trotting after passed ball, where teams took advantage of our lack of effort. ANd that is inexcusable. A CATCHER getting to 3rd because he trotted after the ball after he misplayed. Yes Frazier missed the tag but if he hussles it's a non issue. Turned out to be the reason we went extras. So that's 3 more innings pithced by our pen, played by our team, because of lack of hussle.


    Eaton - A STOLEN BASE! Great game.

    Abreu - I finally see the breakout a little. Keep mashing. Need it more than anyone knows.


    The pen: Danish good riddance. I don't see it at this point in time. The WALKS> Jennings, Drob. THE WALKS. ENOUGH.


    Last and definitely least: Shields. What the hell is happening. Has no zip on his pitches. Beyond that, the walks, the wild pitch. That insanely bad lose your composure throw into centerfield. Just WHAT?! Avi killed him twice making him work harder but this is horrifying. the thought of two more years of this guy.


    TGIG tomorrow. Thank God it's Miguel.

  9. Enough with the 'Robin doesn't swing the bat or throw the ball." You can say that about any manager or coach anywhere ever.


    What a good coach does is get the most out of his players. Perhaps even inspire them to play extra hard or fight their way out of a slump. I ask you now - FOUR years into his tenure - have you seen ANY Of that? I haven't. Apathy is for the birds.


    Now, individual blame:


    Adam Eaton .259. He was so good to start the year it's pretty astounding that he's hitting .259. Can't steal a base. Not getting it done. Doesn't walk either.

    Abreu .260. A solor homer whoop dee doo. I'll believe the breakout when he REGULARLY hits it hard and isn't being out homered by Trayce Thompson.

    Cabrera is doing exactly what we got him for. That said, he's not a #3 hitter. He get a pass.

    Frazier. People love the HRS right. GUess what? .211 is a JOKE. A JOKE! Adam Dunn territory. By far his career worst. And think anyone would be whining about Melky bunting if Frazier can hit a fly ball instead of a pop out? Nope. Underwhelming.

    Lawrie: Great start. All the more focus on .235. 77K's in 227 Abs.

    Avila/Navarro. Avila .244 thanks to a hot spirt. Before that yikes. Navarro. All yikes.

    Avi. 251 and another year of breakout talk. .250 with little power. Few walks, lots of Ks. Little speed. TURN THE PAGE

    Shuck .152. Hello Charlotte.

    Anderson .222. Can hit a fastball but what else. Still maintain July will be his first base on balls. 3 games in and counting.


    Offense is full of underperformers. Rodon less than par. Latos the same. Danks the same. Albers the same. Robertson the same. Jennings the same.


    ANd yet Ventura sleeps at night with his job.




    Morneau will join a team ten-fifteen games under at this rate. Can't beat a beat up injury prone team down on their luck AT HOME.


    Boring and ugly.

  10. Webb is no loss. Maybe a blessing even.

    Petricka hurts. Had no idea it was that serious. We def need at least one arm through trade.

    AJax hurts on D but also who it exposes. Bat wise I'm okay with Coats over Jackson. But not Shuck. Not in center and not hitting 5th. Even bat him second at least you can hit and run, bunt, play small ball ahead of Abreu but he's the one protecting Frazier? Okay? He ain't a run producer and never has been.

  11. Love all I've read about the bat. As far as catching. Hm. Thats a tough one. We haven't had good D catcher in a long long time. No flowers was not. No one can contain run game either. So it does worry me you have him at C and Anderson at SS who is sub par defensively. Not to mention Abreu. lot of pressure on all others to be elite.


    BUT I love the idea of a catch who is a plus bat. That is huge.

  12. I'm excited about the idea of Anderson and to get a look but this has struggle written all over it.


    1 - Defense. Can we afford bad defense? No. He had, what 9 errors already at Charlotte.

    2 - Discipline. His BB/K slightly upticked lately but a ways to go. Be curious when he draws his first MLB walk. I'm gonna go with July.


    That said I know he has more range than Rollins and hopefully he can hit it hard and steal some bases. We need that. Eaton is just not a base stealer. And now with Abreu behind him he never will be.

  13. Continuing our long tradition of promoting undeserving people, I give you Tyler Danish.


    Pitching in a pitchers park. he was 3-7 with an era of 4.42.


    If that doesn't sell it all, he's given up 5 or more earned runs in 3 of his last 6 starts.

    Also 47 K's in 75 innings.


    Nothing about that translates to major league success. This is a rush job and only reasoning I can think of is they are showcasing him as trade bait. Otherwise, you're better off with Fulmer and yes I know about the control. He's not ready either. But he's a higher prospect and they are both struggling so may as well promote the higher prospect.

  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 9, 2016 -> 01:59 AM)
    Serious question and I'd like specifically Fathom's answer: Is Lawrie any better than Beckham? Pls. answer this.


    not defensively but offensively of course. He's not great. His swing and miss rate is insanely bad. But he has flashes. Unfortunately like a lot of our other guys he's streaky as hell and right now he's a sure out. And that's killing them. But also he needs to be the 7th best bat in lineup and with our team he's top 4.

  15. I don't get the Hawk hate. He's a legend. Is he old and stuck in his ways, yes. Does he gripe about umps too much - yes. Does he repeat himself a little now at age 75 or whatveer - yes. SO WHAT. The guy is SO much more colorful and interesting than almost every play play buy out there save for maybe Vin and a few select others. Think of the nicknames. Think of the excitement and love for the game. Think of the incredible amount of experience he has. He knows what he's talking about. Is he biased toward the Sox. Yes and so what. He's a hometown announcer. Don't get the hate of that. And steve stone is a damn gem too. The guy knows just an insane amount about the game.


    NOw - Jason. I like them. He's pleasant. His voice is solid. The stats are refreshing. But there is absolutely no CONTEXT to his games. He calls a long fly ball the same in a 2-1 9th inning game as he does a 14-2 9th inning game. No perspective. He's the Robin Venture of play by play guys as he toes the middle of the road and never shifts. His big play calls lack bite. There's potential but the guy's a little milquetoast for me.

  16. Thoughts on Morneau? He certainly is upgrade on Shuck and Avi and Rollins as DH. And he can spell Abreu who sucks at D. I don't mind it. Still think we need a CarGo/Reddick/Lucroy type move but I wonder what we could even part with to get those guys.


    Let me ask this: If we have 1 1/2 years left in our three year window, what sense did it make to pass on Fowler and Desmond for a draft pick. Is whoever we get in draft gonna help this year or next? Almost certainly not.


    so who is realistic trade bait? Spencer Adams seems most likely. And I don't want to trade Fulmer or Anderson but for Lucroy? Boy how could you not. Still may not be enough. The hope was Fulmer was #5 option of pen arm. Right now I'd say that's not likely this year. Anderson I'm torn on. Like the intangibles. But 9 errors and terrible K/BB rate. Those don't translate well to big leagues. Speed is nice but gotta get on base. So I would part with him if it brings back elite player but nothing less.


    AS for pen, yeah, we need a top notch lefty to push Duke/Jennings/Albers into irrelevance and mop up.



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