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Posts posted by ronkark

  1. Just stunning how they cannot plug the dam. Latos we know is garbage. Behind every hitter. Walks. Full counts.


    2 run lead - can't hold it.


    3 run lead - can't hold it.


    Pen awful. Albers garbage, Duke, Jennings the same. This team has SO many holes.


    Lawrie cant put ball to bat. He's a k machine.

    First inning should have been huge - wasn't. Couldn't knock him out.

    Tyler - you have one job. You don't hit. You must field. You must field. That error was enormous.

    Still waiting for the power surge Jose. Hate his swings right now. Just hate him. one dimensional player without a dimension.


    And again WHY NOT SHIELDS TODAY?! THIS was the winnable game. Now we need to beat Sherzer to snap a 4 game skid?! Uh uh. Just dumb.


    6-19. .500 and falling.

  2. classic sox. potential huge inning for us and we get 2, 1 on a gift walk, no big hit.


    then the latos walk parade continues and it's tied and their guy can settle down. and nice job holding runner mat and nice catch dioner. and i ask agani, why shields tomorrow and not today? get the wins when you can. scherzer tomorrow. even is james is great we may lose.


    just dumb,

  3. A series everyone thought they'd win and we get swept. Our two best pitchers lose. Two runs. Two measly runs. Abreu solo homer by then k'a with two runners in scoring position. Kind of says everything. And coats batting 2nd? Okay. Nice whiff on the two foot high fastball one pitch after you swing and miss on the exact same pitch.


    The free fall is out of control. And we go Latos over Shields Tuesday because sure take your time James. What's one more game out of first?

  4. The same reason the team goes from Spring Training ending to the regular season and they always have 2-3 days to get everything organized for their big move...


    Yes if you have that luxury. Coats got called up next day he's here. Guys get traded and play the next day. Now you're right about Quintana and off-day. My point is - Miguel or Mat - whoever is due to pitch Tuesday - should not. He can make it work by Tuesday. That's my point. No delaying till Wednesday. Those games matter. He can resume getting settled on the 4 days in between his next start.


  5. Ah. Makes sense. I'd start him Tuesday no matter who he replaces. Just push the other one a day. Who do you guys thinks is the odd man out. I think Miguel either to AAA or pen where we could actually use a long man.


    On another note, I'd like to see Coats stay on Monday and Sands go bye bye. 40% k rate.

  6. Why is reporting "Tuesday or Wednesday"? Players get dealt all the time and manage to make it in a day. We're freefalling and we want 3 more starts before he gets in there?


    I like the deal. Not gonna save season but he'll be solid. And i May be most excited at that pickoff move. Dude can actually stop a run game. Can you say that about any of our starters? For the most part teams steal at will. Be nice to have someone who looks at that stuff. Won't miss EJ. Tatis seemed to have upside but never know.


    Need a bat. Maybe two bats. And a real lefty relief pitcher.

  7. Frazier career low .218

    Abreu .251 with no power and horrible run production

    Shuck .130 with multiple defensive mistakes in 2 games.

    Rollins .222 and has yet to dive for a ball.

    Garcia .248. Remember his latest breakout last month? Uh huh.

    Navarro .226

    Lawrie .251 is exactly what we expected when we got him.

    Sale - great start. Very disappointing last few. 2 K's?

    Albers - Junk baller.

    Jackson .259 and on pace for 0HRs. Oh and he's dropped 2 flyballs.

    Sands .241. 24K's in 54 at bats is remarkable. that's over 40%

    Avila .214 on pace for 0Hrs

    Rodon - Still waiting for some sign of further development toward supposed front of rotation potential we heard so much about. I thought 12-13 wins would show that. It's not there yet. Works behind guys. Throws way too many pitches.

    Purke - he gone

    Kahnle - no more please.


    This is vintage '15 Sox. But hey at least we got a declining, expensive fly ball pitcher in a homer park. He'll be great at eating innings while we don't score any runs anyway.


  8. Reality check for those pushing Todd Frazier for the All Star game.


    Offense: HR and run production very good. Average: terrible. .219. No all star should hit .219.


    Defense: Made some nice plays but some have compared to Crede. Frazier let two go under his glove that lead to runs in last couple weeks. Then tonight: two errors leading to two runs.




    But still not as bad as Abreu.

  9. Fitting Abreu wiffed for final out. Our doughy slugger who plays poor D, doesn't walk, can't run. He has to hit. In his last 10 games of his so called breakibg out of slump, he has 1 walk, and 10 k's. .248 with 6 hrs on the season. The SEASON! no big hits.


    and for all the frazier love, no free passes here. .220? homers are great but .220 is a career low folks..


    team not worth watching right now.

  10. 5 years in and Eaton hasn't learned how to steal a base.

    Three years in and Abreu still a below WAR defender..

    Sale not stopping damage. Game ovah. Robin not going anywhere. It's the players fault right? What about MOTIVATING change? Let's not pretend that's not paranoid leadership. It's a quality in most championship leaders. Does robin cost them games? Eh maybe. But he sure as hell doesn't win them any.


    Time for change

  11. Thoughts.


    This team. Has managed to suck the joy out of 6 weeks of strong play. Unraveling it all in a 17 game stretch.


    Rollins - Absolutely horrendous he didn't throw that ball. I watched replay 5 times. No way he at least doesn't have a shot. I think he was thinking two, then when he looked and saw it was gone, that cost him time to throw to first. But he had nothing to lose by throwing. that non play was a fire ignitor.


    Abreu - Another K with runners in scoring position. I'd rather Frazier up late because he has shown clutch-ness. Abreu has not. Crazy idea: What would Abreu bring in a trade. He's 29 already. Slow and doughy. Poor D. That gonna get better in future years. Cash in now. Get a package of ready now players or soon to be.


    The Pen- Horrendous. Fat Albers is filling up the zone with hittable pitches. Duke is junk. Jennings is also junk. Pen needs two more arms, not one.


    Gonzalez - two good games in a row and it's a damn shame neither were wins.


    Catchers - i hated flowers. i really did .And i don't want him back. but navarro and avila are not doing even close to enough on offense. it was a wash. not an upgrade.


    Lawrie. Plate discipline. Stop forgetting it. He'll be back in the .240s in a week.


    Jerry Sands: I agree with everyone else. He offers nothing. Our bench brings nothing to the table. I'd rather Davidson up. He can sub in 3rd and first.


  12. Well as another tird of an effort slips away.


    Eaton: I said yesterday he's trying to do too much, trying to hit HRs. Two to the wall flies in the past week a sign, one first solo HR. And his K rate is moving north fast, including leaving a runner at 3rd today. In addition, his routes in RF are not as spectactular. Two days ago took a left to right instead of a north south and it went over his head.


    Frazier: Sorry, that's not a triple. That's a whiff on a play he should have made. ANd Melky slow pursuit in left made it a 3 base mistake. On the heels of Avila not hustling to get the wild pitch yesterday. No excuse.


    Where is the offense? For the love of g-d. nothing from rollins, todd is hot or cold nothing in between. Abreu is apparently a singles hitter who can't run or field or take a walk. 4 straight K's for kluber. there are 2/9 good averages in the lineup. ain't gonna get it done.


    this team is not fun to watch or follow right now. it's amazing how quickly a month of good will can go out the window. two weeks apparently ebcause we've won a grand total of 3 games in them.


    Boo boo boo

  13. Agreed. The notion that we have to bank on Sale winning every single game is not realistic. It was bound to happen. Just stinks that it was versus Tribe and that he was lit up so bad. But we need to play better overall. I saw no fight once they fell behind. Quick innings, bad baserunning. Avila not hussling to get the wild pitch. Yikes. Just not what yu want to see from a supposed contender.


    So yes tomorrow is a big day for Q and our offense.

  14. Well, gotta win tomorrow just to save face. No pressure or anything.


    Ugly. Sale I thought was past pressing and meltdowns but that's what we saw. He's done this more than once. Long streaks of being elite only to melt down and ensure he's just a half peg behind Arietta and Kershaw. He's top 5, maybe top even. but those two are a step above.


    Lawrie and Avi baserunning blunders. That's '15 all over again. Melky bobble. Ajax and Rollins refuse to get dirty. I can't tell me how many balls ive seen that jroll could have kept in infield. Ajax could've made that catch tonight.


    hitting has stunk back to back games. Ajax i have given up on. Avila the same. Abreu infuriates me because he doesn't walk or do anything else when he's struggling. Eaton's awesome but really hope the recent deep flies and tonight's homer don't make him revert to hitting homers and k rate going up. we need him on base. we need players who can apply pressure. not solo homers. not sure who else can even hit other than Todd. Bench offers nothing.


    realistically, who do you trade to get help? Not gonna deal Anderson and Fulmer. So that leaves Spencer Adams and maybe Trey as player teams might even want. Who else? And from the big club? Avi? Not sure who teams would want if you assume Q and Sale and Rodon

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