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Ozzie for Manager

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    Eastern NC

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Kannapolis Intimidators (Low-A)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    It's good therapy to deal with the pain
  • Favorite Sox player
    Korey Lee
  • Favorite Sox moment
    2006 World Series
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Frank Thomas

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  1. I work in kinston, NC and we lost the Rangers single A team this year and got a independent league team. I feel like watching them and the sox will be the same experience.
  2. The Sox have been petitioning the league to allow them to be able to play 5 IF and 4 OF players, a pitcher and catcher at the same time. The rationale is to help with competitive balance.
  3. It's ok. We can flip him at the deadline for a prospect if he has a good year. Lol
  4. You know it's a bad signing when none even mentions flipping him for a lottery ticket later this year
  5. I actually think this is one of our better signings. Context does matter here. But it is way better than Nicky Lopez in my opinion. At least he has a little pop, a HR every 60ABs. Nicky had 1 every 300ABs. Can steal a few bases. He is not the worst backup out there. And you can use the usual line we do for all our signings, "If he pans out we can flip him for a low level prospect at the deadline." 😐
  6. Would be great if we still had fedde instead of giving him to the cards for nothing
  7. To be fair most of the 15 million went to his defense attorneys
  8. World series here we come. 34 years old. Would have been one of our better hitters last year at. 248
  9. This just in: MLB considering giving the white sox 4 outs per inning to help with competitive balance.
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