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  1. Football can always run into rough weather. Baseball is a warm weather sport. I do remember Frank Thomas and Magglio Ordonez hitting home runs on a frigid opener. It was amazing they could hit a ball that far on such a day. You can't avoid cold spring days but scheduling can help. It doesn't help to everybody and his brother going to the playoffs.
  2. For me it is a matter of principle. I have been to both parks in insanely cold weather. This stupid and diluted playoff system cause this March nonsense. And the Sox still can't get to the post season.
  3. Hope the weather is good for those who are going. I will never go to a home opener in March.
  4. I said C because it is hard to evaluate Getz with the owner he has. Also, we have to see how the young talent develops. I agree with ptac. Getz is trying to change the organization, and Venable is a good hire. But the rebuild is painfully slow. One off season after another is boring. And in the past, White Sox rebuilds have been a mixed bag. They will get good, even win a division, but slide back and it's time for another rebuild. Additionally, if there are injuries it makes things even harder because the team lacks depth. That's why we see guys like Sheets playing right field. (Even though I have to give Sheets credit. He tried to be a decent right fielder.) One thing the Sox have to do better is acquire and develop young talent in their own system. Then they won't have tear down and trade for other team's prospects. Yet, the team can't have off season after off season not spending at least some money. Many fans don't think the team is trying to win, and they can't be blamed for that. Getz needs to establish credibility, hard as that is with JR as the owner.
  5. Buehrle >Wood's list is pretty good. The Wise catch was a great moment.
  6. Not even bothering with a guess. We know it is going to be a losing season. How bad it will be is the only guess. Can't even guess when this team will even get to .500.
  7. Before talk radio took off, and long before social media, Chicago had print reporters who actually knew about the sports they were covering. Bill Gleason, Jerome Holtzman and others acted like pros. Stopped listening to the Score a long time ago. There are exceptions when someone says something worth listening to, but those exceptions are few. Bernstein just fit in with the rest.
  8. I have always thought of Bernstein as an extremely bright guy but totally obnoxious. And sometimes not as smart as he thought he was. Just put him down with other Chicago sports figures with anger management issues like Dan McNeil and Ozzie Guillen.
  9. Another reason that teams should not be donated stadiums. Fans should demand more respect. Money is being made by entitled rich people, and the fans are getting a bad product.
  10. The largest problem with the current stadium is one that can't be fixed: the upper deck. But because the White Sox made a stupid mistake doesn't mean they should be given a new stadium. A front office that has had a team this bad for 20 years has a lot of nerve asking for a brand-new stadium. $1.7 billion? They have to be kidding.
  11. Start with the front office. Get some solid baseball people running this team. I have nothing against Getz but he would have to go. Said good-bye to Schriffen and Stone. Enough of both of them. Bring on AJ in some capacity.
  12. Not holding my breath for any news. In the end the fans will get screwed. So, screw them.
  13. It does appear he is aware he can't do what he did last year. Perhaps he can improve, but right now he and Steve Stone are two reasons I won't be watching the Sox this season.
  14. As I understand it, JR will still have complete control even with Ishbia buying up more shares. If I were looking to buy this franchise, I wouldn't want JR calling the shots for an indefinite period. Regardless Ishbia will have to spend. Fans are not in the mood for another owner who is not serious about winning.
  15. This is true to an extent, but if the Sox had a deeper fan base, the decreases in attendance would be smaller, and the team could take things better. But this team has never been interested in building a base, Instead, they would rather alienate their most loyal fans and then wonder why attendance is still a problem. 2024 was a disgrace. This rebuild is a disgrace. This FO has no credibility. This is little reason to go out to the ballpark when this team is doing next to nothing to make this team watchable.
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