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Everything posted by Highland

  1. It's doing these dumb little things that cost Sox games. Good teams execute and make sure they make the routine plays.
  2. I don't speculate about whether the team will be moved or sold because we fans have no influence. Neither is going to happen soon, and it is frustrating to think that nothing else substantial is going to occur. It is also frustrating that the FO doesn't seem realize that it put its reputation on the line with this rebuild. We are reduced to hoping to win a bad division.
  3. My rant goes back to 2011. Ozzie Guillen leaves the Sox in a PR nightmare. It was time for the team turn a page as they could no longer rest on the laurels of winning the 2005 World Series. They had a losing season in 2011, the third since 2005. So, the hiring of a manager was important. And what do they do? They hand the job over to Robin Ventura, a guy with no experience as a manager or coach. He roamed the dugout looking like he wanted to be somewhere else. In the 12 years since, the Sox have won one division title and two playoff games. For some reason, with little thought, they had handed the manager's job to Tony LaRussa. And now the rebuild is faltering. Maybe they can still win a weak division, but it is hard to be optimistic.
  4. Bad teams lose games like this. This was beyond mind-boggling.
  5. On the left side of the field, between Bennitendi, Anderson and Yoan, you have three homers. That says a lot.
  6. This division has never been great, but this is pathetic. The fourth place Sox should win it. After all, it won't take much.
  7. No way is Anderson bringing back a "haul." Once in a while he will show his athletic ability. But the rest of the time he looks bad defensively. Offensively, he's not doing anything. Last season he showed signs of not being the same player. This season, he's even worse. His fall is really mind-boggling.
  8. I didn't expect anything from this interview, much less Hahn taking blame for anything. I no longer expect anything from the White Sox organization, and that includes a World Series in the near future.
  9. 58 games is a good indicator of how things will be. Baseball is a weird game, and many things can happen. Fans can hope if they want, but I don't anticipate great things for this team. They have too many games like the last one against the Angels.
  10. True but the simple fact the Sox have passed up many scoring opportunities and it has cost them.
  11. That's even worse. He sits there and watches this nonsense and does nothing. Has done nothing for a long time. If I was the owner, I couldn't watch this stuff for this long. He needs to do something dramatic that will help the team in the short and long run. But I am not waiting for anything. This stuff has gone on for the most part since the end of 2008. If he can sit there year after year and decade after decade doing nothing, there is no reason for any real optimism.
  12. "A nice little stretch." They will need more than a nice little stretch to turn this season around. Trouble is, they are not even capable of a nice little stretch. 12 runs to the Angels. That is not the first time they have given up runs in double figures. That is one reason they are not "clicking."
  13. Nothing unusual about this. If the bases are loaded with none out, most likely no one will score.
  14. That was an embarrassing performance. Those home runs were massive. Lynn knew they were gone before the hitter did.
  15. I think the Hendricks comeback was inspirational even with the outcome. If Grivol was smart, he'd use it as a motivational tool. Hendricks had cancer and he fought his way back. The Sox nearly pulled it out in the ninth. That's good. What does he have to lose? The Sox are 12 back and they need something positive to think about.
  16. Looking at the June schedule, I don't think the Sox will be a .500 team by the end of the month. Having said that, the team should be in first and putting a little distance between themselves and the rest of the division. They are not a great team, but they are better than their record indicates. And a team doesn't have to be great to lead the AL Central. I wish the FO would do something dramatic, but that won't happen. Something is just wrong here.
  17. Fregosi and Torberg were a long time ago. Meanwhile, we have had Ventura and that dope from the late 90's.
  18. The White Sox have always treated the manager's position as not very important. They never hired a manager with experience except for LaRussa. If this was another organization, it is very possible Grifol wouldn't have been hired in the first place.
  19. Other times, after the Sox had a big offensive outburst, they went limp. Hopefully they can score at least five today.
  20. Piersall was an overrated blowhard who many times didn't do his homework. He criticized Soderholm for being slow, and he was. But that was due to a knee injury he never completely recovered from. I don't care what Rich Lindberg thinks, Sox historian or not.
  21. In reality, Kopech has little experience. His arm has always been there. It takes time to learn to be a major league pitcher. Perhaps, he has learned somethings and is ready to show what he can do.
  22. There is nothing impressive about Cleveland. Or Detroit. Or Minnesota. Now let's see if the Sox can get to .500.
  23. The surest way to contend is to beat up on AL Central teams, because it will be tough going against the rest of the league. It is amazing how bad the division is. It is also bad that the Sox are not in first.
  24. I would hope they would pick up one guy. Maybe a veteran pitcher who can shore up the rotation. Or someone. Doing nothing is giving up or giving the fans a slap in the face.
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