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Everything posted by Highland

  1. One way to take pride is to not attend games. Investing time and money in this team is a waste. Smart fans would recognize this.
  2. Baseball is so hard to predict, and I didn't think the team was as bad as it appeared during the losing streak. But I'm short on optimism. They have to play well for an extended period of time before I can feel good about this team. And, for some reason, they don't play well in Kansas City. Tonight's game is not a given. Other than that, they are fortunate to be in the AL Central. Regardless, they have to get to .500 first, and that will take a while.
  3. You are right. This is no surprise. And I have the strong feeling they have already decided the team is not getting back into contention. So much for the rebuild.
  4. Reinsdorf has never liked the media, and, like many public figures, has been treated unfairly by the press at times. But many of his troubles are self-inflicted. These recent quotes are a recent example.
  5. Firing Hahn is only part of the solution. The White Sox organization has drifted out to sea, and it needs someone from the outside to bring it back to shore. But when the CEO thinks that fourth place is a success, it is doubtful that any real change will come, and the team will just drift. I wonder if there is anyone in the FO who is not in denial and has any sense of reality.
  6. Glad to hear about the Robert HR. He should not be under-achieving. He has too much talent.
  7. I agree and think the whole thing is great. I just don't think he'll get many save opportunities.
  8. I don't think the Sox are in the position to take any team lightly. I can easily see the Reds win this series.
  9. Gary Peters was a class act and one of the best left-handers of his generation. Too bad the Sox offense couldn't help team to a Series in the 60s. They had the pitching.
  10. This quote confirms what many of us have thought for years. Winning another World Series is not important to Reinsdorf. And I get sick of him telling fans what they think and how they feel when he has no clue of either.
  11. Excellent analysis. And right now the organization is at a real crisis point. It isn't because "fair-weather" fans are pissed. It is because long-time and loyal fans are pissed. I don't think the FO understands this one bit. They feel too entitled.
  12. At this point, I don't know how anyone in the FO can stay in denial, but that's just me.
  13. The 1989 team went through a stretch when they were outscored 63-14. But that team won eight in a row right after the ASB. And manager Jeff Torborg praised them for their effort and attitude. I remember the 1970 team vividly. Terrible but they could at least score some runs from time to time. I don't even watch this team anymore. It's like the cop says: "nothing to see here."
  14. They have hit rock bottom or close to it, but I doubt they realize it. It is called being extremely stubborn and in deep denial. The FO staked its reputation on the rebuild and on not doing a whole lot during the last offseason. We are seeing the results. It is difficult to make changes now. but they should do something. Right now, there is no reason to be optimistic about the short and long term future of this team. I don't know how anyone in this organization would want to go to work on any day.
  15. Sorry got my history wrong, but I don't follow the Hawks anymore. Stopped a long time ago because of Wirtz. Of course, they won't can Grifol in April. I don't expect anything much to happen. But I was trying to make a point. Sometimes an organization can't wait for disaster to happen. If they sit on their hands too long, they are in denial. About many things. And that won't just mean bad things for this season.
  16. A few years back Denis Savard was the coach of the Black Hawks. Two games into the season the Hawks FO saw he was a disaster and fired him. They didn't wait for the season to go down the drain. Change for the Sox needs to happen now. But that would mean people would have to admit they made mistakes. They also would have to show they care some. Waiting for some winning streak doesn't cut it. But doing something truly decisive doesn't appear to be on the horizon. So, the organization has little if any credibility.
  17. I think you are right about 2005. I recall wondering how everything went so right. I thought it would be one of at least several more championships, but obviously I was misguided in that assumption.
  18. I agree that the Sox have been trying to win, but sometimes it seems like they are not. This past offseason they did little. Then, when they hire managers, they either look for a crony or someone with no experience. It is hard to be optimistic when we see these patterns. It is truly hard to be optimistic when they start the season this way. The long-term future doesn't look so hot, either. I have some hope but not many expectations.
  19. So many of us has recognized that Rick Hahn should be fired but won't be. But if there was a real time to fire him, it is right now. The FO is kidding themselves if they think this team is going to turn things around. What they need to do is hire a good baseball man outside of the organization to shake things up. It could help some this year and would send a message to the fan base that someone can see something dramatic has to be done. Hoping for the best will not address one problem this team has. We fans can only hope things at least gets a little better. We can't do anything about FO feelings of denial.
  20. No more tank jobs. This front office wouldn't do it anyway, because they would have to admit they have failed. There has to be a better way than losing on purpose.
  21. I agree. It's no fun to cheer against the Cubs since they won in 2016. I will never like their stupid traditions, but since the Sox have so many problems, I honestly don't care about them. I don't know what their record is, and I have no idea about the makeup of their team. And I refuse to get all worked up when the two teams play each other. I only look and at the White Sox and wonder.
  22. In reality, fans have no real power. The Sox have seen dropping attendance, and that hasn't changed anything. Losing hasn't changed anything. There is a billboard calling for the sale of team. Fan brought in banners saying the same thing. The FO knows how pissed some fans are. They've seen the team underperforming. And yet almost nothing changes. Instead, we will get another round of fan scapegoating from the FO and the media. It is frustrating. We Just don't have any leverage.
  23. Scapegoating the fans has been happening since the start. Insulting the fanbase and expecting great attendance doesn't make much sense. It is just one more thing about this organization that got old a long time ago.
  24. I am disappointed in Vaughn. He was touted as a being a great hitter, but he doesn't seem to be progressing. It's still early, but no home runs at this point, and it's beginning to look like he can't even hit 20. Hopefully, he'll improve but who knows at this point how good he really is.
  25. Walks and pitching into deep counts also drives up pitch counts. Starters need to least go six innings or the bullpen will have to take on too big of a load. And this bullpen isn't that good. In reality, for the past week the starting pitching has been good. Offense still needs to get in runners from third with less than two outs.
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