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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Except for all the walks, they played a good game today.
  2. The Bulls - Just another Chicago sports franchise that Jerry Reinsdorf doesn't care about.
  3. I don't think that the Sox will lose 90 or more, but the injuries and the lack of defensive execution is getting old. There is just something about this team that doesn't fit. While I don't see them losing 90, I also don't see them winning 90.
  4. Someone should not have to die to cause change. I don't even want to entertain morbid speculation.
  5. At the very least, I would like to see Sheets never play right field again. It will only embarrass him and the team. He has shown time and again he can't play the position. This is one problem the Sox have had. DH types with no positions. Nothing new.
  6. That was a dominating ninth inning performance. Never thought the Twins had a chance.
  7. I was at the 1971 opener. Still one of the most exciting games I've ever attended.
  8. The season is not even two weeks old, and players need a rest?
  9. I miss nothing about Ozzie's last three years, and I am glad another era is not starting.
  10. What should happen should have happened over 10 years ago. A good baseball man outside the organization should have been hired to evaluate things and make some substantial changes. Instead, we got Hahn and Robin Ventura. Then Tony LaRussa. It's hard to have any faith when things just never change even when they are crying out for change. But no one knows more about baseball than Jerry Reinsdorf. This gets so boring because it has been going on for so long. And it will continue to go on.
  11. We can only hope that the team isn't half as bad as it shown during the past few days. But it's hard to feel good about this pitching staff. It certainly doesn't look like a staff of a division winner or even a .500 team. It's pretty bad when you have to look to Clevinger to turn things around.
  12. Yes, I already know ownership doesn't give a crap. All I am saying is this should happen. Problems need to be addressed, and if they are not, you will really see fan apathy. True, none of this is new. That is the problem. None of this is new.
  13. Of course, no one in their right mind would write off a team after seven games. But this team has no closer, already a key player is hurt, and their starting pitchers are lucky to get into the sixth inning. And giving up 28 runs in two losses two days apart will make any fan think. The bullpen just looks awful. And since the days of the complete game are long gone, the bullpen becomes more important. After all, now a bullpen is expected to pitch at least a third of the season. Things just don't look good. In the next 155 games, the team has plenty of time to turn things around. I just have big doubts that they will. Kopech has been over-hyped from the start, and Lance Lynn looks like he's fooling no one other than himself. Looks like that bullpen will get a lot more work.
  14. If by the ASB, the Sox are still playing badly, Hahn should be fired. Don't wait for the end of the season. Just don't let him make any further decisions about the future of this team. If the ownership just sits on its hands, it will truly show it doesn't give a crap about this franchise. And there won't be any legitimate reason for any fan to go watch this team.
  15. Yes, this ownership and FO did win a World Series, but that was almost 20 years ago. Since 08, the team has done next to nothing. There is no excuse for giving up 13 home runs in a three-game series. Great news about Liam, but by the time he comes back, if he can come back, it won't make much of a difference. 16-6. It wasn't even that close.
  16. Is the Giant player who hit the ninth inning grand slam going to get fined for trying? I hate when position players pitch. That's not baseball. I don't care if the pen gets stretched a bit. Put a major league pitcher in there. I can't remember when a Sox team looked this bad. This was beyond embarrassing. In the booth, the usual nonsense. This is only one loss. The team should just forget it. Yes, they can forget it until it happens again.
  17. The hype was too much, but there was little for us to cheer about in 2018. And the hype was not his fault. But, even when he came up, he shown a tendency for wildness. Hitters were glaring at him because his fast balls were coming too close to their heads. He wasn't throwing at anyone; his control wasn't there. And there were stories of his wildness in the minors. Hopefully he can find himself. The Sox can't afford to lose a starter. They can afford to lose Ruiz. What that pitcher is still on a major league roster is beyond me.
  18. For a time now, I have wondered why people are still high on Kopech. He came up late in the 2018 season and has logged in a little over 200 innings. He is definitely not finished yet, but, in my mind, he still has to prove himself. Every pitcher gets shelled from time to time, but I'm still waiting for him to stay healthy and learn to be a pitcher.
  19. Much better start than I dreamed of. Actually, I think the Sox should have won three of four. Last year was so disappointing for Robert because of the injuries. The guy has Willie Mays type of talent. Just having a healthy Robert in center field improves this team. All he did this weekend was save runs. If he gets his hitting together, he is a MVP type of player.
  20. Except for that crazy ninth, the Sox played a great game today. Although, it should have been about 10-1 going into the ninth. Opportunities missed. But Robert was amazing and Moncada looks like a different player.
  21. Any three games are never a complete indication of anything. They could go on a winning streak starting with tomorrow. It's just that all of this looks familiar from a team that didn't change much from last year. I will say one thing. Those two singles in the eighth inning were not exactly smashes. Sometimes luck is involved, and the Astros had it with those hits.
  22. I agree. Today they got one run without the benefit of a home run and that was a on broken bat blooper. Of course, we like homers, but sometimes you just gotta get the ball into the outfield with runners in scoring position. This was a winnable game. Other than their bullpen, the Astros didn't look that great. I don't know what Moncada was swinging at on that last pitch.
  23. Hawk is whining like he did on some broadcasts. He spent over 30 years with the organization in various capacities and made a great living. Perhaps things didn't end like he wanted, but overall, he had to be happy with the experience as a whole. Regardless, it was time for him to go. I am not really interested in anything he has to say.
  24. Big men like Eloy have trouble with pulled muscles and other similar injuries. I don't see him playing 162 games, and I don't think keeping him out of the outfield will make a difference. As for Moncada, I don't expect that much offensively. Put him down in the order to give him less at-bats.
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