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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Reinsdorf and Einhorn knew that they had to get some name players on the club. Fans were not coming out to see Wayne Nordhagen. Fisk was a great signing, but the Sox won only one division title with him.
  2. Melton was one of my all-time favorite players and a decent guy, too. Would have had a better career if it wasn't for his injury.
  3. The White Sox should win the Central, but that doesn't mean that they will, and I don't think anyone can make a prediction about this team. What we do know is that 2023 is a key year and will help determine if this rebuild is successful or not. The difference will not be any of the few off-season pick-ups. The core group of young players will have to step up and produce. Then we will see if the FO doesn't anything smart and effective at the trade deadline.
  4. This makes sense. The White Sox can have a big year and win their division, maybe even advance in the playoffs. Or they could be mediocre again. They're that hard to predict.
  5. One of my favorite Sox teams of all time. Had no business winning 94 but they did. Even nasty Dave Stewart gave them credit by the end of the season. Maybe someone should tell the current team about the 1990 club.
  6. I posted that Tim should shut up and play didn't mean he didn't have to right to speak his mind on anything. Sometimes I just don't like what he says. Obviously, he can say what he wants about anything. From the first time I saw him play years ago, I was convinced that he had a world of talent and the Sox were lucky to have a short stop like him. In 2021, he was a real sparkplug. Last year, he appeared distracted for whatever reason. I think Tim still has the potential to be a real superstar. I just don't know if it will happen. It would be a shame to have potential wasted, and I think that is very possible.
  7. Normally, I wouldn't think Buehrle would be a Halll of Fame candidate. But if you compare him to today's starting pitchers who think they do their jobs with six innings, Buehrle stands out. You can't argue with his consistency and durability. Drysdale is in with two less wins. Buehrle also has two no-hitters and came within one batter of having two perfect games. The guy knew how to pitch.
  8. Of course, the franchise has to make money, and it has to do what it can to say in business. But one way to stay in business is to provide a team that wins, and not have long stretches of not going to the playoffs. It makes no sense to tell the fan, who is a consumer, to keep paying for a bad product. Secondly, player salaries are going up no matter what JR does. If he can't compete in this market, he should sell.
  9. A long time ago, it was obvious that HIS WAY wasn't working. Instead, he gave us Robin Ventura, Tony LaRussa, and a tank job. Regardless, since 2008, this team has won next to nothing. If JR wants to win so badly, he isn't showing it. And the Bulls have done squat since Jordan and Pippen left. If this guy really wants to win, I have seen no evidence of it.
  10. I don't think that Anderson will bring what some think. He just came of an injury-ridden season and there were rumors of personable problems. I hope that Sox players how important this season is. Anderson should be one of them. I also hope someone impresses upon him how good he can be. Skip the theatrics and play ball.
  11. I like what Grifol says here even if some of it is the usual stuff. It will be interesting to see if his presence in the dugout will help change things. He has to be better than LaRussa.
  12. No, not over 100 considering no White Sox team has ever accomplished this. Predictions are fun to talk about, but otherwise are meaningless.
  13. Losing Hendricks is tough. Clevinger will provide a lot of distractions if he does pitch. Mid 80s sounds about right.
  14. I have no big plans to go out to the ballpark even if they start winning. I didn't expect the FO to spend megabucks on free agents this offseason, but I hoped for more than this. And, now, even before the season starts, one signing is blowing up in their face. The franchise gives the impression it doesn't care about the fan base. This has been going on for way too long. They have the car in neutral. It is hard to invest any emotion in this team. The FO will not change. If the fans are going to be won over, the players will have to do it.
  15. I agree, he was never happy about anything. He was bitching about attendance in 1982 even thought that year, at that time, the team had the third best attendance in franchise history. He expected fans to buy into pay TV after years of free TV, and he expected this during a recession when people didn't have money to throw around on entertainment. If he made solid contributions to the club, I don't know what they were. When he disappeared, no one missed him.
  16. In a game in September 1967, Peters threw 11 innings. A second inning double was the only hit he gave up. He threw 11 shutout innings and still didn't get the win. The Sox won 1-0 in 17 innings. I interviewed him for a story I was writing and found him to be a class guy. Modern day pitchers could have learned a lot from him.
  17. The Sox should eat whatever money they have to and let this guy go.
  18. Gary Peters was one of the best left-handed pitchers in baseball during the mid-1960s. Had a picture-perfect delivery. Great hitter. Few pitchers today have the talent he had.
  19. Caulfield is right. The White Sox have a massive problem here and really have had it for some time now. The team has always complained about the "fair-weather" fan who comes out only when the team is winning. But when the team alienates the most devoted of fan, what do they have left? Politically correct press releases don't help. Lukewarm off seasons only add to the problem. It is amazing how tone-deaf this organization is. But if people and investors are making money, I guess it is easy not to care what the public thinks. But this type of thinking is going to catch up them. What fans think will matter.
  20. For me, it is not bitterness and hatred. It is frustration because things never seem to change. And, of course, we, as fans, have no control over it. You can put up billboards or bring banners inside the ballpark, but it has no effect. Today, it's Clevenger, tomorrow it will be something else.
  21. Boston released Wil Cordero as fast as they could in 1997 after he pleaded guilty to domestic violence. The White Sox signed him the next spring. What a great move.
  22. We all know how complicated this situation is, but the incompetence still reeks. It has been going on for decades. Idiotic trades, dumb managerial hires, and just plain ineptness. Of course, Rick Hahn should be fired for this. Then again, he should have been fired a long time ago. So, don't expect any action to be taken now. But we are supposed to believe the Rebuild is working and all the Sox need is for certain players to bounce back and 2023 will be just fine. But the FO talks only about winning a division. A World Series doesn't seem to be in the plans. This has been tiresome for over 40 years. It is a minor miracle this team has won anything, not that they have won that much. The franchise needs an experienced baseball man to come in and turn things around. But that won't happen because Jerry Reinsdorf knows more than anyone else. Now they have another public relations black eye because of some creep. They will never learn no matter what happens. I'm waiting for the next scandal.
  23. Not only this, but someone from the Boston FO had gone down to the field as soon as the last game of the season was over and told this guy he was gone. They couldn't get rid of him fast enough, but he ended up on the White Sox. I don't know what the White Sox knew or didn't know. On a far less serious note, Adam LaRouche used to have his son hanging around when he was on the Nationals. The Sox signed him anyway and then finally had to address the problem. Everybody has a right to have their day in court. I think the investigation needs to go on before the Sox do anything. But if it ends up that the evidence points to his guilt, the FO can't sit on its hands.
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