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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Your analysis is interesting although KW made some weird acquisitions of his own. Yet, the period from 2000-2006 was highly successful. Three 90-plus win seasons with only one since then. I never fully understood why the team lost momentum after that. Williams has still been part of the organization during the last 10 bad years. I have no idea what his influence is, but he's been there. There is plenty of blame to go around the whole organization. Big changes have to come in this off-season, or the team will continue to lose credibility.
  2. Losing isn't the worst thing a team can do. Quitting is, and there is no reason for a fan to go out to the ballpark or have any sense of pride regarding this team.
  3. I can't believe they would do another rebuild, but this is the White Sox.
  4. Something like this should have happened at the end of the 2011 season after the Ozzie fiasco. The memories of the 2005 Series were beginning to get hazy, and the franchise needed to head off in a new direction. Instead, they gave the manager's job to Robin Ventura in a truly dumb move. Otherwise, what you propose makes complete sense, but also like you said, it will never happen. Meanwhile, the franchise loses more credibility every day.
  5. The fact that there is a debate about LaRussa is amazing. I can't imagine fans wanting to spend hard-earned money to go the ballpark knowing that LaRussa is the dugout. This just shows how bad things are in this organization. Do they want another year of weird decisions and slurred press conferences?
  6. I'm not surprised at this. This season was an absolute joke. It is one thing to be a disappointment. It is another to embarrass yourselves and your fans with the nonsense of the 2022 season. This is a new low for the franchise. I wonder if anyone in the FO realizes it.
  7. I don't know what to say about the future when the current power structure remains in control. They have to know that LaRussa was a mistake, but I don't know if they will admit that to themselves. Right now, the fan confidence is at a real low. You can't expect fans to keep buying into the rebuild if dramatic changes aren't made this off season. In a way, missing the playoffs isn't that big a deal. The Sox usually do not go the post season, so this isn't a new feeling. For me, it is the feeling this organization doesn't have the know-how to turn things around leaving a bleak future. As a Sox fan, I've been through a lot of bad stuff. The 106-loss 1970 season. Disco Demolition. The 1994 strike. 1997 White Flag Trade. Ozzie over-staying his visit. But I think this is the worst. There is something very, very wrong here. If the FO remains in denial, it will only worsen, and the idea of the post-season will only be a fantasy.
  8. I have been a Sox fan for many years and have had many disappointments. 2022 is the absolute worst. This organization is brainless. Cease should have at least 4 more wins. This team is an utter disgrace. 0-6 homestand with playoffs on the line. Choke. 2023 doesn't look any better. Aah, there's nothing like a rebuild.
  9. This is exactly what this announcement is: face saving. The hire was a disaster from the beginning. The Sox had no intention of bringing LaRussa back this season. The whole thing was a fiasco. And this is why so many have little faith in this FO turning this team around. Meanwhile, the team will still have Hahn, still have Williams, still have a dugout full of coaches who don't know what they're doing. Not looking forward to this off season.
  10. I agree. This player should never have been on the field. This is just negligence and risking the future of a promising player. This organization is beyond bad, and there is no credibility whatsoever. Someone should tell JR he doesn't know everything.
  11. I don't want to speculate because I have so little faith in the organization. So many things need to change that a simple hiring won't have much of an impact. Just so it isn't LaRussa or Cairo.
  12. Yes, and this is just an indication of how this situation was botched. This team is so poorly run and needs a strong manager in the dugout badly. Preferably, a manager with experience and no ties to the White Sox.
  13. There is already some talk about giving Cairo the manager's job, and, if that happens, that is just another indication the Sox won't be fixed. The organization should do an extensive search for a new manager not just hand the job to a convenient man just because he's already connected to the team. There has to be some self-examination. But that would mean people would have to admit they have made mistakes, and I don't see that happening. Right now, this FO just doesn't have credibility. They are too busy blaming fans. The Rebuild is a failure.
  14. I'll say what many others have said: This team just isn't baseball smart. The same mistakes are made over and over. Good teams just don't have talent; they know how to play in certain situations. A new coaching staff would help. Getting rid of some players would also help.
  15. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if JR does not fire Hahn. He'll fire the fans first.
  16. Hopefully tonight it is even less. Time for fans to stay away in huge numbers. Then we can sit back and wait for the Sox to complain about attendance.
  17. Wow, this sure makes me feel better. It's amazing that a man so successful can run an organization into the ground.
  18. Perhaps Cleveland is not likable, but they are better than the White Sox.
  19. I really don't care about anything Hahn will say after the season. I have lost total faith in him and this organization. The rebuild is failing, and it was something they staked their reputation on. I have no expectations at this moment.
  20. Maybe he should start caring less. I don't know what the attendance was for game #2 with Cleveland but the stadium looked half-empty. And it was quiet. Absolutely no emotion. In the middle of a division race. I don't get why he doesn't care less. I wouldn't my name associated with this fiasco.
  21. The Sox cannot go into the off-season thinking injuries were the only reason the team disappointed in 2022. That would be the height of denial.
  22. The very least the Sox can do is show their fans they are not giving up and win the next two. Yes, I know how unlikely the division title is, but they are not eliminated yet. Other than that, I don't have high expectations and haven't for a long time.
  23. Last week Cleveland sent in a minor league pitcher because they apparently didn't think a game against the Sox was all that important. Always feel good when Cease is taking the mound. Hope he can go deep into the game and that Sox don't allow themselves to get shut out for some reason.
  24. It's possible that the Sox can sweep the Guardians, but I don't see it. The Guardians are playing well, and I don't see them losing three in a row here. Also, the Sox offense tends to shut down at least once during a series. But at least there is meaningful baseball for the Sox in September. Many years that is not the case.
  25. The Sox held a team meeting to talk about what they had to accomplish to contend. Now they know exactly what to do. Sweep Cleveland. They are supposed to be better. So, do it.
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