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Everything posted by Highland

  1. For the first time, there is some life in this team. Usually, .500 this time of year gets a team nothing, but this is the AL Central. Maybe that meeting helped.
  2. It doesn't matter who manages the White Sox at this point. This is a .500 team at best. The season was over a long time ago.
  3. Hope whatever this is, that is treatable. Always wondered why Tony wanted to come back, since all the travelling can be taxing. Kind of figures. The team is riddled with injuries and now the manager is out. Wish him the best.
  4. Sheets has looked better since he has tried to use all fields. He certainly has power. I didn't think he'd be a major league hitter, but now I think he's worth a try. He should play every day the rest of the season and get some ABs against lefties. He'll never learn to hit lefties if he doesn't face them. His last three homers brought in 8 runs. He's doing better than anyone else right now. Let him play and see what he can do.
  5. At least Abreu is trying to do something. Yet, he somewhat symbolizes what is wrong with the team. He leads or at least led the league in hits, but his power numbers are way down. He plays a solid defensive first base, but then makes silly looking errors due to a lack of concentration. I do think the team needs to let him move on after the season.
  6. Veeck had his failures as well as successes, but he understood the average fan and what kind of fun the fan wanted to have at the ballpark. Never would have wanted him making trades, but he did what he could to make the game fun. JR didn't understand the average on buying the team, and he doesn't now. There's the difference.
  7. Obviously not, but if a team doesn't have confidence in itself, I can't see how it can have true success. On several occasions, it appeared the Sox had turned a corner and were ready to make a run. Somehow, it hasn't happened. It really hasn't made sense. The Sox have their problems, but they should have a better record than this. That loss in Baltimore was crushing, and I fear that ended the team's season. We're marking 130 games today and nothing has demonstrated that this team believes in itself.
  8. For decades fans have been hoping and yelling for JR to sell the team. At this point, I don't know what he gets out running the White Sox, but these calls are being ignored. He never has believed he has to listen to the fans for anything. However, if the FO has even the slightest want to keep this team as a viable franchise, I don't think it can be this arrogant anymore. There has to be some serious effort to improve the team in the offseason, or more and more fans will tune out. You can't bring back LaRussa and claim injuries were the only thing that led to a disappointing season. I really don't think that will fly. I know for sure it won't fly with me. Actually, this would be a good time for someone or some organization to purchase the Sox. The stadium is now a little over 30 years-old, but it is in good shape, and it is a decent place to watch a game. The team is lack-luster at the moment, but still has talent. And fans would be very open to new ownership. There would be a honeymoon period. I understand the need to call out for new ownership, but it seems so futile. Sox security will do what it can to stamp out protest. JR would do what he wants and insolate himself from the rest. Meanwhile, the team limps along like it has a pulled hamstring.
  9. Yes, this was dumbest pitch selection in a while. Also shows lack of concentration on Hendricks' part. You have to know keeping the ball in the park is the key in that situation. Any breaking ball has to be out of the zone. I agree. Throw the fast ball and the game is over. Instead, the Sox season is over. 125 games into the campaign, and they have shown nothing by dumb baseball and an awful offense. In addition, they have shown a great variety of ways to lose baseball games.
  10. Nothing seems to make sense with the White Sox and injury situations. The situation with Moncada has been odd all season. Did Luis re-injure his wrist or this something all different? It looked odd when he dropped his bat twice and went back out into the field to play.
  11. Looking forward to not watching tonight. Why bother? They will put a ton of runners on base and then not drive them home. The ninth will be three up, three down with the ball never leaving the infield. And somewhere along the line someone will get hurt, and be "day to day."
  12. Seriously...There has to be major changes in this organization after this debacle. The White Sox will not have any credibility with their most loyal fans if the organization just sits on its hands and plays the denial game. Maybe JR doesn't care much anymore. But, at the very least, Tony cannot be in that dugout. And obviously it is time for many others to go. But the same old thing will not work. The rebuild is be considered a failure if changes aren't made. And this is supposed to be a major league franchise. Time to act like one.
  13. I've been around a while, and I remember all these bad years. Actually 1968 was bound to happen; that team had absolutely no hitting. Peters and Horlen had been over-used during the years and came up with sore arms. But this year is worse than the rest. Just plain dumbness. On the field and in the dugout. Hello, Lip. It's Dan.
  14. I agree, Tony. You're lousy. Relief pitcher hits two batters in a row, and you lose to a lousy team in an empty stadium. The power numbers for this team are awful. No one is going to get 100 RBIs or even 20 homers. Yes, when you put runners on, you are supposed to drive them in.
  15. Yes, it is. A ton of men left on base. Going down oh so easy in the ninth.
  16. I am not surprised by this. The White Sox rarely take action when needed. They should have gotten rid of Guillen long before he left. Ventura should have been fired after his second season. Countless other moves should have been made during the past few years and all we got was a tank job. I am not disappointed because I expected nothing.
  17. All I have heard during the past two weeks or so is that things are looking up for the Sox because they were playing sub.500 teams, and that the AL Central stinks. Nothing about how well the team is playing. Tonight, they are not playing a sub.500 team. Need Cueto to have another quality start although that still might now help.
  18. The comparison was never relevant. There are other examples of teams having late season surges. That has nothing to do with the White Sox. Yes, you can still hope for the best, but I don't see any indication that this offense is going get much better. If the White Sox prove me wrong, that's okay. It's not like I haven't been mistaken about something before. But I'm tired of waiting for the big hit that seems never to happen. For me, the expectations just aren't there. They never are when the bases are left loaded again.
  19. Any White Sox win will be a low-scoring game. The team just doesn't have much of an offense. Even with Tim and Robert, it didn't have much of an offense.
  20. You can laugh off a bad game only to a certain extent. The Sox have a starter in the rotation that just isn't doing it, not to mention letting a runner steal third uncontested. Three times bases loaded and no hits. They scored on a double play and a sacrifice fly that wasn't all that deep. The Sox have been doing that all season. It's amazing the players who really did something offensively was Moncada and Sheets. Is that because they really don't have an offense?
  21. I agree with this. Using a position player only prolongs a very bad game. It's really a joke. The Astros were barely trying, and they scored four. They might still be up even they really wanted to make an effort.
  22. If the Sox are going to be successful, they will do things like they did against the Astros in the first two games. They'll have to continue to get good pitching and win low-scoring games. The offense will need to get some clutch hits and add some doubles because it doesn't look like home runs are on the way. They will need to cut back on base-running mistakes. On defense, they have to make the routine plays. We will see if they can do all of this.
  23. The season is resting on this week. The Sox have to get at least split against Houston. Can't let the Astros take a series on your home ballpark.
  24. That is what happens when you get extra base hits. It helps to play the Tigers, too.
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