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Everything posted by Highland

  1. I don't know what was worse from Abreu. His hitting into a double play or taking that third strike. It seemed like his head was not in the game. Robert is a big disappointment. Since he isn't making it happen at the plate, he's trying to do it on the base paths. Maybe he has learned a lesson. I'm sure Tony will talk to him about it. The last few days has been some of the ugliest baseball I have ever seen.
  2. Panic is not the right word. Concern is a better one because this team looks lackluster. And I don't think they will take the division with ease. Historically, they have not matched up well against the Twins and the Guardians. Before I get optimistic, I would like to see a good, solid week of well-played, fundamental baseball.
  3. I understand the frustration with LaRussa. And I agree his departure would benefit the team in the short run. But in the long run? We have to remember this organization likes to hire friends and cronies. Then it becomes hard to fire these people, because, after all, they are friends and cronies. So, what would we see as a replacement? Someone who has to have a past connection to the White Sox? Someone who has no managerial or coaching experience? Walking time bomb Ozzie? Getting rid of LaRussa now or after the season would mean the FO would have to admit it has made mistakes. Is it willing to do that? We can only hope that the players can turn things around. But I don't know if the FO knows what is ailing the team, and I wonder if it knows how fix things. A new manager would help but the team needs more than that.
  4. Not to mention certain tax considerations.
  5. JR won't sell out of pure stubbornness. And more the fans chant about Tony, the more stubborn he will get about that, too. Might as well save your breath.
  6. If he is banking on these two things, he is delusional. So are fans who keep making these comparisons. This team has problems and hoping for a hot streak won't solve them. They just lost their second 11-9 game in three days. Their winning streak was stopped at 1.
  7. It is time sit Moncada, defense or no defense. The Sox are giving away four ABs a game. I don't know what has happened to him, but to keep running him out there makes no sense. This is not just a slump.
  8. Yes, he did, and Sousa wasted no time in giving up the lead.
  9. Well, it's so easy to be positive when you blow a 5-0 lead and bring in Matt Foster in the 10th.
  10. And this is what has been lacking from the White Sox offense this season. They put runners on, have a chance for a big inning, and the key hit doesn't happen. They have passed on so many opportunities to break games open. They finally did it against Texas. The game was close then, all of a sudden, it wasn't. If the Sox are to be considered real contenders, they need to do this more often.
  11. Sheets is not a major league hitter. I doubt that he will ever become one. It's too bad because he can put a charge into the ball at times.
  12. There are things to be positive about and Mendick and Burger have played well. And the injured will be returning although I have some doubts about Eloy and Lynn. Benneti made a valid point during a broadcast. If the Sox offense is going to produce, Grandal and Moncada have to contribute. I would hope they would since I can't see them putting up Adam Dunn type numbers for the whole year. It was good to see Grandal deliver with 3 RBIs against Texas. Moncada got a hit right-handed and maybe he should stop switch hitting? Perhaps Grandal should stop looking for walks? How about swinging at the first pitch a few times? But then again, there are the games when the Sox regress into some ugly stuff. Do that less and I'll feel better.
  13. When LaRussa finally leaves, I hope the replacement is someone who has no prior association with the White Sox. Regardless, I no longer think the Sox are the favorites to win the AL Central.
  14. Right now I have little faith in this organization. Two reasons they are still in it are the bad division and the diluted playoff system. I don't think this team will live up to the expectations of the rebuild in the long run. Too many things are going wrong and will continue to go wrong.
  15. I will be pleasantly shocked if JR takes any decisive action regarding this team. I don't think he cares about this team anymore.
  16. Announcers saying the White Sox came back. No, the Dodgers bullpen let them back in, and they still left runners on base. Grandal needs to sit.
  17. I read somewhere that Konerko was working with an outside hitting instructor and tried a new approach. Apparently, he and the Sox were willing to go through an extended bad period until things worked out. Look at when he his WS grand slam. He did a little something with his arm before the pitch arrived.
  18. I know that Garcia is a sore point right now for many reasons, but he is really the least of the team's problems. Robert has great talent, but he isn't being a real impact right now. Perhaps putting him in the leading off spot would help. He can steal bases and thus put pressure on the defense. And maybe he will see some better pitches in that spot. I am hoping he will develop into the great player he should be. But he is underperforming right now. I wonder if Eloy is worse off physically than we think. He should be a great offensive threat, but I think he's hit a little wall. He's going to need some ABs to get into the swing of things. I don't know what to say about Moncada at the moment. These three are key elements to the rebuild. Yes, giving Garcia three years was dumb, but there are bigger problems. If these three recover and even get close to what they can do, the Sox will look like a different team. It just hasn't happened yet.
  19. There is a condescending headline in the Tribune telling Sox fans to "deal with it" when it comes to LaRussa. I didn't read the story; the headline was bad enough. Yes, we know LaRussa isn't going anywhere. We just don't like it. We are already dealing with it.
  20. I feel that way too as I am in my late 60's. I really thought the Sox would put a string of great seasons together after 2005. Didn't happen. Still, it is my opinion that the Konerko grand slam in game two is the greatest moment in franchise history. And Konerko was one of the most popular players in franchise history. Konerko was one of the reasons I came to the ball park. My favorite Sox player of all time.
  21. Sale was an enormous talent with some big emotional issues. Hopefully Moncada will recover from his health issues and get his act together. Maybe the Sox could have done better, but I wouldn't lose sleep over this trade. Has Sale cut up any Red Sox uniforms?
  22. Who knew that Jake Burger would help turn this team around some? Things had looked so bad in Toronto.
  23. How many pitches to get 2 saves? About 20? Liam looks so different. Like everything is so easy.
  24. I agree on both points especially Grandal. I realize you have to play a slumping player until he comes out of it. But we're almost a third into the season, and I'm sick of seeing Grandal's terrible at-bats. This guy should be able to get his average up to .200 for god's sake.
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