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wegner last won the day on May 5

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About wegner

  • Birthday May 16

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    Morgan Park

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  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    There is real passion for the Palehose here

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  1. I put Touki in the same category as that Odrisamer Despaigne guy.....pitchers for the Sox that I know pretty much stink but for some reason I just root for them.
  2. Did I miss the Touki Toussaint appreciation thread? Miss a little....
  3. Look out Carmines.....hottest team in baseball is coming your way.
  4. I was kinda feeling sorry for Grady Sizemore but then I figured noone felt sorry for me when I was shoveling the grease oozing out of the dumpsters on a 95 degree day when I worked for Kmart.....so f*** him.
  5. I see your point....I'll show it to her again and inform her the LF is our largest contract ever.
  6. Dear Chris Getz, Just resign, you schmuck. Yours sincerely, Soxtalk ** **does not include those who understand it's just your 1st season...keep up the good work.
  7. Send it to Cooperstown...I assume the worst team of all time will get its own wing.
  8. Just showed my better half that video of Vargas bowling over the LF to let 3 runs score and I told her who Vargas is....her reaction...."my god, he must be trying to destroy this fan base " Not sure if she meant Getz or Reinsdorf, but I can't argue either way.
  9. Fire Bloom Fire Hahn Fire Getz
  10. I prefer the sandwich, but that's just me.
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