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Everything posted by wegner

  1. We watch this s%*# so he doesn't have to. Jerry is in bed.
  2. Seby making up for his lousy blocking and game calling skills with even worse offense
  3. I would guess that odds are pretty good that the Sox do not score the rest of this game
  4. Oh for crying out loud, Stone. Dont blame the offense for this s%*# show in the 5th
  5. Yes I can see why someone in the playoff hunt would want Glass Joe
  6. Sort of They've been back there Not sure if they've had any at bats
  7. Lynn is very capable of letting them right back in this one
  8. Stroman has been bad in 3rd innings so of course the Sox score in the 1st, 2nd and finish him in the 4th.
  9. I think she might have been driving in the video game driving commercial
  10. Rewound the game to look again...she looked pretty content in her lousy driving too.
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