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Everything posted by wegner

  1. It made sense to me when beer marketing was drink responsibly....then they changed it to live responsibly....do I really need my beer to tell me that?....and now I have to live even more responsibly so I can hopefully see another World Series on the South Side.....c'mon man!!!
  2. The Sox this year are 15-20 in 1 run games. I'm actually surprised it isn't worse than that.
  3. Might wanna lure ARod out of retirement
  4. Gonna need someone to pitch after these trades....are there any former Cy Young winners languishing in another team's AAA?
  5. Has Soxfest been cancelled yet? These friggin cowards don't want to face the music. Get some balls and answer questions from the fans who you bamboozled with your championship window debacle.
  6. Gonna need to go to nothing but night games including fireworks and maybe throw in a bobble head at each game
  7. The good and the bad Wasted my afternoon watching this train wreck The bad....I admitted to my better half when I picked her up at work that I did not start dinner..."you chose the White Sox and neglected to feed your family" The good....on my way to pick up pizza in a few minutes.
  8. A voice of reason....I rarely listen to those, but you make a good point.
  9. Damn, now I'm gonna be pissed when they don't win it all this year. Hahn, forget this selling bullshit.....GO ALL IN
  10. I was only partially listening but I thought so. Thanks.
  11. Yep, he might want to think about putting any house he bought in Chicagoland on the market.
  12. Are Ozzie and Chuck actually both ripping on Pedro in the postgame?
  13. Just play him most games the rest of the way. It's not like you are taking a bat out of the lineup in Seby. Play the young guys at this time and trade what you can.
  14. Salty Chuck is gone Resolved that this team just plain sucks Chuck is here
  15. Still got 4 games against these guys in September, so we only have to make up 8 games before then.
  16. Will that also be 0-10 in games where Sox pitchers struck out 14+ in the game?
  17. Well this is pretty awful baseball, but it is entertaining.
  18. Hahahaha. Banks goes 2 innings and we go on to the 12th. I did not expect that.
  19. Of course Katz comes out....does this ever work?
  20. Double play and on to the 12th???
  21. The Twins seemed to have an advantage out of the bullpen in these extras.
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