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Everything posted by wegner

  1. I hate to break it to you, but we've got another half season of thrilling White Sox baseball.
  2. Home Run Derby winner should be the guy who hits it the farthest....top 6 longest makes Luis the people's Champion.
  3. That sucks. Hope you get a nice dinner to treat yourself for having to sit through that.
  4. I have no idea how they did that. From what I remember, Whit Merrifield is impossible to get out.
  5. Is Soxtalk allowed a challenge? Maybe New York will call him out??
  6. I'm sorry that I missed that bottom of the 8th inning on tv...it sounded like quite the awful effort on the radio. Grandal has become truly useless.
  7. This White Sox squad has to tip their cap to an awful lot of opposing pitchers....I'm beginning to wonder if that is actually more of an issue with the White Sox offense ?
  8. I hear Anderson got a late jump out of the box in his at bat...what a shocker
  9. Gonna run some errands....hopefully I'll hear DJ call a magnificent come back.
  10. He's a very generous tipper from what I've heard.
  11. Chuck honestly didn't sound too confident in a comeback there.
  12. It seems that is about the best you are going to get from a Touki start....gotta score some damn runs.
  13. I was going to look up how much is left on Bummer's contract but I don't want to be any more depressed.
  14. Look at Eloy hustling down the line....well alright.
  15. Hopefully that is not the offensive highlight of the game....but yes a very nice at bat. I sat down by the right field foul pole the other day and was keeping an eye on Oscar...he gets nice jumps on the ball and shows some hustle. It sure would be nice if he figures it out with the pitch selection here in the majors and soon.
  16. I don't get that warning...why can't you quick pitch??
  17. Sox averaging over 6 runs in their last 9 games? Of course I had to be at the one that they don't score for 10 innings. I guess I'm bad luck....of course I would have left sooner if they would've just given me the damn hat so it's their fault.
  18. It's kinda funny that Zach Remillard would kill the baseball most Spring Trainings, play decent defense, yet the Sox only gave him a chance after pretty much being out of options of other people to use. I know the league may very well figure him out, but it's pretty comical that he sat down in the minors for 7 years. Honestly, he seems to me to give you a professional at bat most times up there and he hustles. He really is a guy that is great to root for....I wish we had more of those.
  19. Was listening to the game on way back from picking up pizza and Darren Jackson said "one thing you notice about these Cardinals is that they run hard on every play" Are you insinuating something DJ?
  20. I expect to see a sea of Cardinal red in the crowd this evening.
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